We believe in education and learning opportunities for everyone. That’s why Athabasca University programs are made to work for our students regardless of level of experience, previous grades or degrees. It’s our priority to ensure that our post-secondary online education is accessible and flexible, so our admission policy accepts undergraduate students to a program as long as they pass the minimum age restriction of 16 years of age and demonstrate English language proficiency.
From arts, to business, to tech, to nursing and many more: all of our over 850 courses are available to our students even without being enrolled in an AU undergraduate or graduate program. All of Athabasca University’s minimum requirements listed here apply to both Canadian and international candidates.
Undergraduate admissions requirements
Athabasca University welcomes applicants for undergraduate studies from a wide variety of educational backgrounds. To qualify as an undergraduate student, you must be 16 or older and demonstrate English language proficiency. No other conditions apply, though a select range of programs does require prior education to enrol.
Find all requirements for your undergraduate program
Graduate admission requirements
To apply for an Athabasca University graduate program you must have an undergraduate degree and demonstrate English language proficiency. Doctorate programs require a master’s degree to qualify for admission. Requirements for graduate programs vary and are listed on each program’s website. You can take some graduate courses without being admitted to the full program if you meet the non-program student requirements for said program. Requirements for graduate programs are listed on each program’s website.
Learn about the requirements for your graduate program