Athabasca University Online Courses

Athabasca University Online Courses – There are several Courses offered at Athabasca University. The list of online courses are below.

Online courses

With 850 courses in a variety of subject areas, we’re sure to have something that meets your needs – and our online courses will always fit your schedule.

Undergraduate courses

Undergraduate courses are studies that can lead to a bachelor’s degree, diploma or certificate. Our open enrolment means that anyone 16 or older can take undergraduate courses.

ACCT: Accounting

ACCT 250: Accounting for Managers

ACCT 253: Introductory Financial Accounting

ACCT 345: Not-for-Profit Accounting

ACCT 351: Intermediate Financial Accounting I

ACCT 352: Intermediate Financial Accounting II

ACCT 355: Cost Analysis

ACCT 356: Strategic and Competitive Analysis

ACCT 451: Advanced Financial Accounting

ACCT 454: Management Control Systems and Decision Analysis

ACCT 460: Principles of Auditing

ADMN: Administration

ADMN 100: Introductory Quantitative Skills for Business

ADMN 201: Introduction to Business Studies

ADMN 232: Introduction to Management

ADMN 233: Writing in Organizations

ADMN 404: Capstone I: Strategic Management

ADMN 405: Capstone II: Application and Integration of Contemporary Business Topics

ADMN 415: Strategy and Technology Innovation

ADMN 417: International Business Management

ADMN 499: Directed Study in Administrative Studies

ADST: Architectural Design Studio

ADST 200: Foundations of Design I

ADST 205: Foundations of Design II

ADST 300: Foundations of Architectural Design: Elements

ADST 350: Foundations of Architectural Design: Simple Habitat

ADST 400: Foundations of Architectural Design: Collective Habitat

ADST 450: Architectural Design: Cultural, Recreational, and Institutional

ADST 490: Foundations of Architectural Design: Workplace

ANTH: Anthropology

ANTH 272: Introduction to Archaeology

ANTH 275: Faces of Culture: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 277: The Archaeology of Us: First Humans to First Civilizations

ANTH 278: Human Evolution and Diversity

ANTH 310: Primate Behaviour

ANTH 320: Ancient Cities & Civilizations

ANTH 335: Ecological Anthropology

ANTH 336: The Story of Us: The Evolution of Human Behaviour

ANTH 354: Language and Culture

ANTH 362: First Peoples of Canada

ANTH 375: The Anthropology of Gender

ANTH 377: Ancient Cultures of North America

ANTH 378: Human Sexualities

ANTH 384: The Family in World Perspective

ANTH 390: Community-Based Research Methods

ANTH 394: City Living: The Anthropology of Urban Life

ANTH 401: Ethnography, the Writing of Culture

ANTH 402: Ethnographic Research Methods

ANTH 405: Special Topics in Archaeology

ANTH 406: Special Topics in Anthropology

ANTH 407: Examining Cultures-Advanced Readings in Regional Ethnology

ANTH 434: The History of Anthropological Thought

ANTH 436: Topics in Primate Cognition

ANTH 476: Archaeological Theory

ANTH 491: Ethnobiology: Traditional Biological Knowledge in Contemporary Global Context

ANTH 499: Medical Anthropology

APST: Applied Studies

APST 215: Introduction to Graphic Representation

APST 220: 3D Modeling, Digital Representation & Presentation

APST 230: Materials, Properties, and Applications

APST 240: Introduction to Structures

APST 255: Computer Aided Design

APST 340: Advanced Structures

APST 350: Applied Architectural Sciences

APST 470: Building Envelope and Assemblies

APST 480: Mechanical Equipment of Buildings

ARCH: Architecture

ARCH 200: History of Ideas in Architecture I

ARCH 300: History of Ideas in Architecture II

ARCH 320: History of Canadian Architecture

ARCH 330: Architectural Design Theory Fundamentals

ARCH 340: History and Theory of Modernism

ARCH 350: Landscape

ARCH 400: Urbanism

ARCH 420: Contemporary Architectural Theory and Research

ARHI: Art History

ARHI 201: A Survey of Western Art I: Looking at Art from Ancient Times to the Middle Ages

ARHI 202: A Survey of Western Art II: Looking at Art from the Renaissance to Present Day

ARHI 301: Canadian Visual Culture

ASTR: Astronomy and Astrophysics

ASTR 205: Universe – The Ultimate Frontier

ASTR 310: Planetary Science

ASTR 495: Astronomy and Astrophysics Projects I

ASTR 496: Astronomy and Astrophysics Projects II

BIOL: Biology

BIOL 204: Principles of Biology I

BIOL 205: Principles of Biology II B (Home Lab Version)

BIOL 207: Principles of Biology II

BIOL 230: Human Physiology

BIOL 235: Human Anatomy and Physiology

BIOL 310: Biology of Human Sexuality

BIOL 320: Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates

BIOL 325: Introductory Microbiology

BIOL 341: Human Genetics

BIOL 345: Ecology

BIOL 401: Cell Biology

BIOL 480: Immunology

BIOL 495: Biology Projects

BTMA: Business Technology Management Administration

BTMA 320: Overview of e-Commerce

BTMA 444: Business Intelligence and Analytics

BTMA 445: Business Process Management

CHEM: Chemistry

CHEM 217: Chemical Principles I

CHEM 218: Chemical Principles II

CHEM 301: Introduction to Biochemistry

CHEM 311: Analytical Chemistry I

CHEM 313: Analytical Chemistry II

CHEM 330: Environmental Chemistry

CHEM 350: Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 360: Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 495: Chemistry Projects

CLAS: Classics

CLAS 309: Ancient Greece

CLAS 312: Ancient Rome

CLST: Cultural Studies

CLST 201: Cultural Studies and Everyday Life

CLST 325: Understanding Cultural Studies

CMIS: Computers and Management Information Systems

CMIS 214: Custom Applications with C#

CMIS 245: Microcomputer Applications in Business (Windows)

CMIS 311: Supporting End-User Computing

CMIS 314: Web Applications with Visual Studio

CMIS 351: Management Information Systems

CMIS 431: Information Technology Leadership

CMIS 455: Accounting Information Systems

CMNS: Communication Studies

CMNS 201: Introduction to Mass Media

CMNS 202: Media and Power in Canadian Society

CMNS 301: Communication Theory and Analysis

CMNS 302: Communication in History

CMNS 308: Understanding Statistical Evidence

CMNS 311: Mass Media and the Law

CMNS 321: Computing in Everyday Life

CMNS 358: Popular Culture and the Media

CMNS 380: Corporate Communication

CMNS 385: Rebel with a Cause: Social Movements in History and Popular Culture

CMNS 401: Cultural Policy in Canada

CMNS 402: Global Communication

CMNS 419: Digital Storytelling

CMNS 420: Topics in Communication: Children and Media

CMNS 421: Being Online

CMNS 423: The Television Age

CMNS 425: Film and Genre

CMNS 444: Media Relations

CMNS 445: Directed Readings in Communication Studies (Reading course)

CMNS 450: Individual / Group Projects

CMNS 455: Media Ethics

COMM: Communications

COMM 100: Introduction to Research and Study Skills

COMM 243: Interpersonal Communication

COMM 277: Group Communication

COMM 329: Mediated Interpersonal Communication

COMP: Computer Science

COMP 200: Introduction to Computing and Information Systems

COMP 206: Introduction to Computer Programming (C++)

COMP 210: Introduction to Information Systems and Computer Applications

COMP 214: Interactive Technologies

COMP 230: Storyboard Design and Development

COMP 232: Graphics Design

COMP 266: Introduction to Web Programming

COMP 268: Introduction to Computer Programming (Java)

COMP 272: Data Structures and Algorithms

COMP 282: Social Aspects of Games, Leisure, and Entertainment

COMP 283: Effective Use of Myths and Facts in Computer Games

COMP 306: C++ for Programmers

COMP 308: Java for Programmers

COMP 314: Operating Systems

COMP 318: Introduction to Game Design and Development

COMP 325: Unix Operating System – Principles and Administration

COMP 347: Computer Networks

COMP 348: Network Programming in Java

COMP 361: Systems Analysis and Design

COMP 369: Practical Game Programming

COMP 372: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

COMP 378: Introduction to Database Management

COMP 390: Computer Graphics

COMP 400: Computer and Network Security

COMP 410: Software Engineering

COMP 418: Distributed Database Systems and Database Tuning

COMP 435: Multimedia Technologies

COMP 444: Embedded/Robotic Programming

COMP 452: Artificial Intelligence for Game Developers

COMP 456: Artificial Intelligence

COMP 466: Advanced Technologies for Web-Based Systems

COMP 470: Web Server Management

COMP 482: Human Computer Interaction

COMP 486: Mobile and Internet Game Development

COMP 489: Distributed Computing

COMP 494: Research Methods

COMP 495: Computer and Information Systems Projects I

COMP 496: Computer and Information Systems Projects II

COMP 498: Independent Study I

COMP 499: Independent Study II

CRJS: Criminal Justice

CRJS 350: Community Policing

CRJS 352: Victims of Crimes

CRJS 360: The Psychology of Criminal Behaviour

CRJS 370: Youth Justice

CRJS 377: Issues in Access to Information and Privacy Protection

CRJS 410: Special Needs Policing

CRJS 420: Environmental Protection and Enforcement

CRJS 427: Civil Liberties and Individual Rights

CRJS 485: Police Management

CRJS 487: Group/Independent Studies

CRJS 490: Ethical Decision Making in Law Enforcement

CRJS 491: Offender Rehabilitation

CRJS 493: Risk Assessment and Threat Management

CRJS 494: Crime and Intelligence Analysis

CRJS 495: Sex Crimes

ECOM: e-Commerce

ECOM 410: Mobile Computing and Commerce

ECON: Economics

ECON 247: Microeconomics

ECON 248: Macroeconomics

ECON 300: Financial Economics

ECON 321: Health Care Economics

ECON 330: Workers and the Economy

ECON 357: Intermediate Microeconomics I

ECON 358: Intermediate Macroeconomics I

ECON 366: Economic Development

ECON 367: Intermediate Microeconomics II

ECON 380: Public Finance/Expenditure

ECON 385: Money, Banking, and Canadian Financial Institutions

ECON 401: The Changing Global Economy

ECON 475: International Trade

ECON 476: International Finance