California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM) Tuition and Fees Structure

California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM) Tuition and Fees Structure

Estimated Annual Cost for Undergraduates per Academic Year, 2022-2023

Tuition and Fees*Room and BoardLiving Expenses**One Year Total****

F-1 Undergraduate students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per semester. Graduate students must register for a minimum of 9 credit units.

*Includes all mandatory campus fees, but not optional vehicle parking fee of $338 per Fall/Spring semestes. $180 in summer.

**Includes mandatory 12 month health insurance, books and personal expenses

If you plan to stay in the U.S. during the summer break and/or take classes during the summer session, you will need additional funds to cover your expenses.

If dependents will accompany you in the U.S. the minimum amount required to support them is $6,500 for a spouse and $4,200 per child. The Affidavit of Financial Support must include these additional amounts.

Financial assistance in the form of scholarships and tuition waivers is available on a limited basis for international students.

Master’s Student

In order to remain in visa status, international students are required to take a full course load and follow the program registration requirements.

The following tables provide an estimate of the cost for a full-time international student.

These totals should be used as the basis for the financial affidavit on the application form. (Please note that fees are subject to change without notice):

Graduate ProgramTime to Completion1 Year Tuition   and Fees*1 Year Room and Board1 Year Living Expenses**1 Year Financial Guarantee Requirement****
MBA12 Months, with Summers$31,515$18,373$7,610$57,498
MBA (with 12 units of Foundation Coursework)15 Months with Summers$36,465$18,373$7,610$62,448
Fully Employed MBA19 Months, with
Master of Biotechnology, a Professional Science Master’s Degree21 Months, with Summers$22,440$18,373$7,610$48,423
Master of Social Work24 Months, Summers
not mandatory
ABSN24 Months, with Summers$25,176$18,373$7,610$51,159
Master of Public Health16 Months, with
Accelerated BSK (Kinesiology)16 Months, with Summers$21,122$18,373$7,610$47,105
CSUSM State GR Programs: Biology, Computer Science, History, Lit & Writing, Math, Psychology, Sociological Practice, Spanish, KINE24 Months, Summers
not mandatory

*Includes all mandatory campus fees, but not optional vehicle parking fee of $338 per Fall/Spring semestes. $180 in summer.

**Includes mandatory 12 month health insurance, books and personal expenses

Additional Required Amounts must be documented for dependents: $6,500/spouse and $4,200 per child

Financial Guarantee documents must reflect sufficient funds to cover total first year program costs, listed in the last row of the tables above.