Check GCE Online Results A Level General Cameroon Guide

In Cameroon, there are many opportunities and openings available to both successful candidates of the Advanced level and Ordinary level GCE. Once your results are know, the first thing that has to come in mind is “what will i do next”. This is usually a point in a student’s life that is very crucial especially for those with the Advanced level GCE.

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Cameroon GCE results pdf.

Writing from my experience back in the days  when we lacked proper orientation. Once we knew we had passed the A level, we were just happy that we will be going to the University not even knowing what we will study at the University. We were just happy that we are University students.

Now, from experience and studies made in Cameroon by kamerpower from 2008 to 2017, out of 10000 students who are admitted to the Universities in Cameroon every year, only 1000 students tend to study what they like and those 1000 students are those who are properly orientated.

GCE Results 2021 O Level General Cameroon. The results are released 21st of August 2021. 

GCE Results 2021 O Level General Cameroon. These GCE results are for 2021.

GCE Results 2021 A/L Cameroon “A” Advanced Level GRAMMAR – CGCE 2021-2022. GCE 2021 results released 21st August 2021.

Results Continuation here

GCE Results 2021 A/L Cameroon “A” Advanced Level General GRAMMAR – CGCE 2021-2022.

Then out of the 9000 that just go to the university for University sake, 6000 tend to to switch departments or change programs at their second year at the University. This switch in departments or change in programs is due to either the program is difficult or the student does not like it or frustration and many more. LIRE:  GCE Results 2021 Cameroon O L and A L Released

And some even continue right up the their third year and change programs. You see the length the student had gone and had to change or even reapply to what he/she actually likes and wants. So when choosing a program to study at the University, try to ask questions to those who are already at the University. The are more experience that you are in a good position to orientate you.  Let me just cut this story short, but promise that it will be continued in another episode on  

Cameroon GCE results pdf.

As of 2018 in Cameroon, there were already more than 7 state universities just naming a few, University of Buea and University of Bamenda for the anglophones, University of Yaounde I, University of Yaounde II Soa, University of Douala, University of Dschang, University of Maroua, University of Ngaoundere, which studies are done in French and some program are in English. 

But what Anglophone students usually do if they want to study at a francophone University, they apply for studies and during the first year of studies, they get used to the french language and from their second year they are good, since Cameroon is bilingual.  LIRE:  2022-2023 Cameroon School Year Calendar MINEDUB-MINESEC

Then for those who want to study at professional institutions, thank God that they are so many of them here in Cameroon. But majority of them requires a written competitive entrance in order to gain admission. If you are interested in studying in any, here is a link to the once that have been recently launched in ENGLISH and FRENCH.

Check GCE Online Results A Level General Cameroon