Commonwealth Institute of Management And Technology Eswatini Mature Age Entry Application Form

The Mature age entry admission is another alternative route of gaining your intended qualifications.  For one to qualify for consideration through this route, they should have these attributes:

(a) They should be 22 years or older on the first day of the University academic year in which admission is sought.

Online Application
Apply Now

When you have identified the residential course that fits your requirements, complete a copy of the application form and submit it to Commonwealth Institute of Management.

You can also e-mail your particulars indicating which course you are interested. If you wish to nominate several candidates for courses, please use a separate form for each. It is important that all sections of the form be completed.

In parallel to applying to Commonwealth Institute of Management several other processes should be started as necessary.

Visa application Scholarship application Check air travel routes and availability


The ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATOR International Management Development Center for HIPC Nations P.O. Box 3089 Manzini.


Commonwealth Management Institute conducts business throughout Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone countries. The institute is fully subscribed to the principles of adult learning.The Commonwealth  Institute has the following three types of programmes to realize in its strategic aims:   I.     Short term Training Courses

II.    Workshops, Seminars and Conferences

III.    Apprenticeship, Staff Secondment, Exchange Visits and Study Tours

•Faculty of General Management

•Faculty of Accounting and Financial Management

•Faculty of Information Technology (IT)

OUTREACH TRAINING The institute also conducts training in client’s own countries upon request.  


The institute conducts flexible distance and supported learning programmes ranging from Certificate to Masters Degree, such as Diploma in Human Resource Management,

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and Administration, Executive MBA Degree etc. Some of the Faculties include:  

•Faculty of General Management

•Faculty of Accounting and Financial Management

•Faculty of Information Technology (IT) Additional Faculties are being established on an ongoing basis. 

Commonwealth Institute of Management And Technology Eswatini Online Application