Deborah Retief Memorial School of Nursing Application form

DRM Nursing Program Relocates
Following lengthy discussions between the Ministry of Health and the Dutch Reformed Church Board, the Ministry of Health has decided to relocate from the church premises housing part of the Deborah Retief Memorial School of Nursing in Mochudi.

The public is hereby informed that the General Nursing program which was offered at the Deborah Retief Memorial School of Nursing has now been relocated to the Institute of Health Sciences, Gaborone. This will take effect on 1 July .

All the affected students are requested to contact the school management regarding the movement logistics prior to this date. Future prospective students are also advised to apply to other health training institutions around the country.

The Ministry of Health would like to take this opportunity to extend its appreciation to the support it received and continues to receive from the Dutch Reformed Church in providing health services to Batswana.

For more information, please call 3632506 or 3632532

Institute of Health Sciences Coordination Unit invites applications from candidates wishing to study for the programmes indicated in the table below.

Candidates should hold a minimum of a COSC/BGCSE or its equivalent with a minimum grade as specified under each program on the table below. The duration for all basic programmes is 3 years.
Programmes and where offered Minimum entrance qualifications

a) Option1: A grade D or better in English, a grade C or better in Mathematics, Biology and one other science subject (Chemistry, Physics and Physical Science)
b) Option 2: A grade D or better in English, a grade C or better in Mathematics and Double Award Science or
c) Option 3: A grade D or better in English, a grade C or better in Mathematics and Combined Science plus Additional Combined Science/Physi-chem, Bio-chem