The National Examination Council in the Republic of South Sudan has released the 2019 results for the South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education.
According to the chairperson of the National Education Council Hon. Deng Deng Hoc Yai, he said there is huge improvement in the academic performance of the students compared to the past years with the performance improving from 77.2% in 2018 to 92.5% in 2019 which is partly because students and teachers are getting acquainted to the South Sudan Curriculum.
Over 27,689 candidates sat for the 2019 CSE of which 19,733 (71.3%) are male and 7,956 or 28.7% are female. According to the statement, the former defunct states of Maiwut and Latjor did not present candidates for the 2019 CSE Examinations.
The Secretary General of the National Examination Council Ustaz Simon Nyok Deng urged the national government and education partners to strengthen support to girls’ education in secondary schools to improve girls’ transition from secondary to higher education.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan has been clearly spelt out that basic education must be free and compulsory to all children. It is, therefore, the mandate of the Ministry of General Education and Instruction to ensure translation enactment into actual deeds.
MoGEI is also mandated to develop appropriate policies and strategies for guaranteeing this noble task and to ensure that other related roles such as the oversight and equity issues are dealt with properly. These tasks are to be delivered by the seven Directorates of the Ministry, one secretariat, two centers and a Teachers’ Development and Management Services and their respective departments through the stewardship of the Honourable Minister and Honourable Undersecretary.
In accordance with The General Education Act, 2012, the strategic goals of the National General Education Policy are as follows:
“The education system in the Republic of South Sudan will be directed towards meeting the following goals:
- Eradicate illiteracy, improve employability of young people and adults and promote lifelong learning for all citizens;
- Provide equitable access to learning opportunities for all citizens to address inequalities in education provision;
- Achieve equity and promote gender equality and the advancement of the status of women;
- Contribute to holistic personal development of each learner and to the moral, social, cultural, political and economic development of the nation;
- Promote national unity and cohesion;
- Enhance the quality of education through a robust inspection programme to encourage a culture of innovation and continuous school improvement and effectiveness; and
- Develop and promote a general scientific approach in education.”
Organization Structure
State Ministries of Education
The Ministry is made up of many directorates and departments. For more information on the employees click here.
Here is the Administration structure of the Ministry, General Education Sector: Organogram of The Ministry General Education Sector
Check South Sudan National Exam Results Guide