Florida College System
The Florida College System is the primary access point to higher education for Floridians, including recent high school graduates and returning adult students.
The 28 member colleges of the Florida College System respond quickly and efficiently to meet the demand of employers by aligning certificate and degree programs with regional workforce needs. With an array of programs and services, our colleges serve individuals, communities and the state with low-cost, high-quality education opportunities.
Governed locally by district boards of trustees, the colleges are under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Education. Administratively, the Chancellor of the Florida College System reports to the Commissioner of Education who serves as the chief executive officer of the Department of Education.
The mission of the Florida College System is to provide access to high-quality, affordable academic and career educational programs that maximize student learning and success, develop a globally competitive workforce and respond rapidly to diverse state and community needs.
Section (s.) 1004.65, Florida Statutes (F.S.), establishes the primary mission and responsibility of Florida College System institutions as responding to community needs for post secondary academic education and career degree education.
This mission and responsibility includes: (a) Providing lower level undergraduate instruction and awarding associate degrees.
(b) Preparing students directly for careers requiring less than baccalaureate degrees.
This may include preparing for job entry, supplementing of skills and knowledge, and responding to needs in new areas of technology.
Career education in a Florida College System institution shall consist of career certificates, credit courses leading to associate in science degrees and associate in applied science degrees, and other programs in fields requiring substantial academic work, background, or qualifications.
A Florida College System institution may offer career education programs in fields having lesser academic or technical requirements.
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Florida College System Tuition and Fees Structure
Florida College System Students Portal
(c) Providing student development services, including assessment, student tracking, support for disabled students, advisement, counseling, financial aid, career development, and remedial and tutorial services, to ensure student success.
(d) Promoting economic development for the state within each Florida College System institution district through the provision of special programs, including, but not limited to:
1. Enterprise Florida-related programs.
2. Technology transfer centers.
3. Economic development centers.
4. Workforce literacy programs.
(e) Providing dual enrollment instruction.
(f) Providing upper level instruction and awarding baccalaureate degrees as specifically authorized by law.
A separate and secondary role for Florida College System institutions includes the offering of programs in:(a) Community services that are not directly related to academic or occupational advancement.
(b) Adult education services, including adult basic education, adult general education, adult secondary education, and General Educational Development test instruction.
(c) Recreational and leisure services.
In addition, s. 1007.33(2), F.S., requires that any Florida College System institution that offers one or more baccalaureate degree programs:
(a) Maintain as its primary mission:
1. Responsibility for responding to community needs for post secondary academic education and career degree education as prescribed in s. 1004.65(5), F.S.2.
The provision of associate degrees that provide access to a university.
(b) Maintain an open-door admission policy for associate-level degree programs and workforce education programs.(c) Continue to provide outreach to underserved populations.
(d) Continue to provide remedial education.
(e) Comply with all provisions of the statewide articulation agreement which relate to 2-year and 4-year public degree-granting institutions as adopted by the State Board of Education pursuant to s. 1007.23, F.S.