Gaborone Institute Of Professional Studies Tuition And Fees Structure

The Office of Financial Aid calculates educational expenses based on anticipated or actual enrollment (if a student has registered for classes). The total COA budget includes both direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include tuition and fees. Indirect costs such as books and supplies, living allowances, miscellaneous expenses, and transportation are not payable to IOHS and, therefore are not billed (charged) to the student. Indirect costs are based on national “averages” of educational expenses

Affordable Program Completion

Since every student comes to us with a unique set of circumstances, the cost of completing a program varies for each individual. The following costs are for students completing the program in normal time.


Neurodiagnostic Technology Tuition (NDT)
Academic Year: $14,400.00
Includes Clinical Internship
Student Malpractice Insurance Included

Fees Not Included in Tuition.

Textbooks and Materials: $500 Approximate*
Graduation Fee : $100 3rd Quarter
Background Check & Drug Screening: $95*
I.D. Badge: $25*
Transcripts; $15*
ASET Membership $45

*Pre-admission fees are non-refundable.

Hospital Employee/Third Party Letter of Credit Requirements

IOHS offers a program for students whose fees will be paid by their employer or some other sponsoring organization. Students are responsible for ensuring that the letter of authorization from the sponsoring organization is submitted to the Registrar before the start of their program start date.

Health Insurance 

Tuition Payments

Individual may apply for a no-interest loan from the school.  The loan, if approved must have payment paid by a checking account or credit card with automatic payment dates.  Tuition is required to be paid five (5) days prior to the starting date of each semester or quarter.

Refund Policy

Please refer to the refund policy that is stated in the 2018-2019 School Catalog. The information is also listed within your enrollment contract.  All refunds are based on state and federal finance guidelines.

The above information represents the majority of fees, but may not include service offered. Please contact us if you have questions on the specific policy.

Gaborone Institute of Professional Studies fees Structure