Malawi Assemblies Of God University School Prospectus

“Welcome. The Malawi Assemblies of God University (MAGU), is a Christian University located in the city of Lilongwe, Malawi, which is in the southern part of Africa. The University is situated along the Paul Kagame road in Area 32, in the capital city of Lilongwe.

The University currently has three faculties namely, the Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Commerce, and Faculty of Education all aimed at providing high-quality and innovative education to its students. The University is accredited by the Malawi National Council of Higher Education (NCHE). Our Vision is, To be a world-class university, culturally relevant, offering transformational education and quality leadership that is applicable locally and globally.”

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Our current university Prospectus publication gives the full detailed information about all the courses we offer and their particular details.>>>>Download/view our prospectus here below