The procedure for payment of examination fees of SC and HSC began Tuesday for private candidates. The fees can be paid by debit and credit cards.
According to the original schedule, the procedures for payment should have started on Monday, but were postponed due to public holiday. MES studying the possibility of extending the deadline until Monday, April 7 instead of Friday, April 4. The heads of colleges will, themselves, make payment between 23 and 29 April.
Please note that this year, the examination fees undergo an average increase of Rs 600. The new rate is as follows for the SC: six subjects: Rs 8064; seven subjects: Rs 9174 and eight subjects: Rs 10,284.
Regarding the HSC, it will cost Rs 11,357 for three subjects (main), material (Subsidiary) and the General Paper, three subjects (main) and General Paper: Rs 9766 and three subjects (main) Rs 8 175.
Normally entries are received at the MES during the months of March/April in the year in which the examinations are held.If you are a School Candidate you should contact your School to make entries.
If you are a private candidate, a press communique will be issued in early March informing you of the exact dates, fees and other details regarding your entries.
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