MES Psac Exams Date

The Primary School Achievement Certificate (PSAC)

Towards the end of primary edu­cation, learners take the assessment leading to the award of the Primary School Achievement Certificate (PSAC).

Assessment leading to the PSAC will comprise a School-Based Assessment component (SBA).

SBA assesses pupils in non-core learning areas and will be intro­duced in a phased manner.

SBA is competency-based and in congruence with the standards of learning prescribed in the cur­riculum.

SBA undergoes a modera­tion process by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate.

The PSAC adopts a modular approach that helps to relieve some of the pres­sure on learners and allows them to concentrate on a limited number of subjects assessed at a given time.

Assessment leading to the PSAC will comprise

​(i)​two modular assessments in two core subjects taken at the end of Grade 5 and at the end of Term 2 of Grade 6;
​(ii)​and end of Grade 6 assessments in the remaining core subjects as defined below:

Modular Assessment

​The modular approach will be used to assess ​
​- Science
​- History & Geography.
These will be taken at the end of Grade 5 and at the end of Term 2 of Grade 6.
​They are carried out by the MES.
​The results are banked for the computation of final results.

Assessment at the end of Grade 6

The assessment at the end of Grade 6 focuses on the following subjects only: ​
​- English
​- French
​- Maths and where applicable,
​- an optional language (an Asian language/ Arabic/ Kreol Morisien).

The Grading System

Each core subject will be marked along a grade range of 1 to 6, with grading 1 being the highest.

Numerical GradeMarks
175 and above
260 and above but below 75
350 and above but below 60
440 and above but below 50
530 and above but below 40
6Less than 30

The level of competence in non-core learning areas will be described along a 3-point scale as follows:

​- Proficient
​- Intermediate
– Basic

The Certificate will include the results of both core and non-core learning areas.