MES Psac Exams Papers With Answers

Private candidates
1.3.1 Candidates who are attending registered secondary schools may be entered as private candidates.
1.3.2 Candidates below the age of 13 on 1 January of the year in which the PSAC assessment is held may be entered as private candidates on producing evidence of having taken the PSAC assessment previously as a school candidate.
1.3.3 Candidates below the age of 13 on 1 January of the year in which the PSAC assessment is held and who are not attending Government, or aided primary schools should complete, in that year, six years of
schooling inclusive of Grades 1 to 6 ,or equivalent, to be able to enter for the PSAC assessment.
1.3.4 Candidates who are above the age of 13 in the year in which the PSAC Assessment is held and who are attending registered private primary schools may be entered as private candidates.
1.3.5 Candidates above the age of 13 on 1 January of the year in which the PSAC assessment is held may enter for the assessment without any restriction.
1.3.6 Students who are not eligible to take part in the PSAC assessment may, at the discretion of the Minister, be presented for the assessment.
1.3.7 For private candidates, a mention shall be made in the certificate issued to the student accordingly.
1.4 The interpretation of these regulations shall rest with the Director of the MES.

PSAC 2021 – Question Papers

This booklet should be considered, primarily, as a document that provides
shared understanding among stakeholders (educators/ICTSOs, school leaders, moderators, primary school inspectors mainly) about how to conduct the schoolbased assessment in ICT Skills. It outlines the quality assurance procedures in the process of this assessment in schools to ensure that all pupils are treated fairly. It also includes the following:

 Instructions to Educators/ICTSOs
 Information about the Quality Assurance mechanism
 Exemplar tasks
 Assessment criteria
 A draft sample remark sheet
 A draft sample grading sheet.

ANNUAL PROGRAMME FOR THE PRIMARY SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT CERTIFICATE (PSAC) ASSESSMENT FOR 2021 Notice is hereby given that the Minister has approved the following Annual Programme for the Primary School Achievement Certificate (PSAC) Assessment :