Oklahoma State University System Tuition And Fees

Tuition and system-wide fees for the academic year are posted in June . These fees are subject to change without notice, as provided by the University Board of Regents and Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policies.

Some or all instruction for all or part of Academic Year  may be delivered remotely. Tuition and general fees have been set regardless of the instruction method and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year.

Individual courses may have special class or equipment fees in addition to the fees listed below. 


Tuition is collected from every student as a condition of enrollment to receive instruction at OSU-OKC. Tuition rates vary by residency status.

 Per Credit Hour
Undergraduate Resident Rate$ 127.75
Undergraduate Nonresident Rate$ 371.00

General Fees*

General fees are collected from every student as a condition of enrollment to receive instruction at OSU-OKC. 

 Per Credit Hour
Student Activity Fee:$ 3.50
Facilities Fee:$ 7.50
Technology Services:$ 7.00
Student Assessment:$ 1.00
Library Technology:$ 1.50
Library Electronic Resource:$ 1.00
IT Infrastructure Fee:$ 2.00
Records Fee ($0.50 per credit hour – $2 maximum)$ 2.00

Miscellaneous fees*

 Per Credit Hour
Remedial Course Fee (additional charge per credit hour)$ 10.00
Online Course Fee (additional charge per credit hour)$ 10.00
 Per Semester
General University Fee (Recreation & Parking)$ 35.00