Oregon State University Application Deadline

Program Specific Deadlines

Academic programs establish their own application deadlines, which are often substantially earlier than the general university deadlines described below. In such cases, program deadlines supersede the more general university deadline. Some academic programs also admit applicants for specific terms only (e.g. fall term). Applicants should check the program page for deadline and contact information.

In the absence of earlier program deadlines, the following university deadlines exist:

U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents

Absolutely no later than 30 days prior to the first day of classes.

International Applicants

To allow adequate time for students to obtain visas and make travel arrangements, the following deadlines have been established for international applicants:

IMPORTANT: Program specific deadlines that are earlier than those below supersede the OSU general deadlines. Please contact your proposed graduate program for program specific application deadlines.

TermBeginsDeadline for applying from outside the U.S.  Deadline for applying from within the U.S.
FallSeptemberApril 1June 1
WinterJanuaryJuly 1September 1
SpringMarch/AprilOctober 1December 1
SummerJuneJanuary 1March 1