San Diego State University Tuition and Fees Structure

San Diego State University (SDSU, San Diego State) Tuition and Fees Structure

All students enrolled at SDSU must pay Basic Tuition & Fees.

Basic Tuition is determined by your status (full or part time) and program.

Campus Fees are determined by your home campus (the campus to which you were admitted). If you transfer from one campus to another, you will be subject to your new home campus fees.

Please refer to the Basic Tuition Schedule below to determine your Basic Tuition fees.

Basic Tuition & Fees Schedule

The cost of Basic Tuition & Fees is dependent on a student’s academic program as well as status (full or part time). The Basic Tuition & Fees schedule for each term can be found below. Thesis extension, zero-unit courses, and half-unit courses are all charged as one unit for fee purposes.

Non-Resident Tuition & Fees

Out-of-state and foreign students, referred to as Non-Resident, will be charged Non-Resident Tuition & Fees at a rate of $396 per unit of coursework. Non-Resident Tuition & Fees are charged in addition to Basic Tuition & Fees.

Non-Resident Tuition must be paid in full prior to the first day of instruction. Alternatively, students may enroll into the Installment Plan for Non-Resident Tuition & Fees prior to the first day of instruction. Late payments will be assessed late charges. Failure to pay Non-Resident Tuition & Fees prior to University Census, the 20th day of instruction, will result in cancellation of a student’s registration.

Professional Program Fees

Graduate students enrolled in the Fowler College of Business will be charged Professional Program Fees at a rate of $270 per unit of coursework. 

This fee is charged in addition to Basic Tuition & Fees and Non-Resident Tuition & fees, if applicable.

Professional Program Fees must be paid in full prior to the first day of instruction. There is no Installment Plan option for this fee. Failure to pay Professional Program Fees prior to University Census, the 20th day of instruction, will result in cancellation of the student’s registration.

Student Involvement & Representation Fee – SIRF

SIRF is an optional $2 fee that supports the CSSA. 

Fee Payment Coupons

Payments to SDSU via postage mail must be accompanied by a Fee Payment Coupon.

The Fee Payment Coupon helps both the individual submitting payment and university cashier understand what fees are being paid. Click the following to download and print Fee Payment Coupons for each term.

See Also:

San Diego State University (SDSU, San Diego State) Admission Requirement

San Diego State University (SDSU, San Diego State) Online Application

San Diego State University (SDSU, San Diego State) Course Offered

San Diego State University (SDSU, San Diego State) Application Deadline