The University of Tennessee at Knoxville Application Process


Applying to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
This application for admission may be used to apply to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as an entering freshman degree-seeking student, as a transfer student, or as a visiting student. If you have questions, call the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at (865) 974-2184, or visit the UT Knoxville Admissions website,
Application Fee Payment
This application must be accompanied by the $30 admission application fee, in the form of a check or money order payable to the University of Tennessee. Online applications require electronic payment of the fee. If you are eligible for free or reduced lunch fees under the National School.
Lunch Program or eligible for a need-based fee waiver from ACT or College Board and are requesting a waiver of the application fee, you must submit the fee waiver request form from your high school counselor

Important Deadlines

November 1—Priority Admission Application Deadline & UT Competitive Scholarships and the Chancellor’s Honors Program Application Deadline
Students must apply for admission (application part I) and scholarships (application part II) by this date in order to receive full consideration for admission, UT’s competitive scholarships, and admission to the Chancellor’s Honors Program.
December 1—Regular Admissions Application Deadline
Your completed application must be submitted online by this date for full consideration.
May 1 . All updated ACT/SAT scores for the purpose of determining eligibility for UT institutional scholarships must be received by this date. June 15 All final high school transcripts submitted for the purpose of determining eligibility for UT institutional scholarships must be received by this date.

Freshman Admission Criteria

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has a competitive admission process. Applicants are considered for admission based largely on their academic performance and supporting credentials. Freshman admission decisions are based on the following:
A. Completion of the 14 required core academic subjects:
• 4 units of English
• 3 units of mathematics (2 units of algebra plus 1 of advanced math, trigonometry, geometry, or calculus)
• 2 units of natural science (including at least 1 unit of biology, chemistry, or physics)
• 2 units of a single foreign language
• 1 unit of American history
• 1 unit of European history, world history, or world geography
• 1 unit of visual or performing arts
B. A core GPA that is computed based on the 14 units listed above.
Note: Course grades in these core academic subjects are weighted
by UT to reflect enrollment in any of the following:
• Advanced Placement (AP): +1 point
• International Baccalaureate (IB): +1 point
• College Dual Enrollment: +1 point
• Honors: +.5 points.