University of Alaska System Tuition and Fees

University of Alaska System Tuition and Fees

How Much Does College Cost?

How much you pay for college tuition costs will vary depending on the institution and how much financial aid you receive. We offer in-state tuition rates for online programs and provide a wide selection of financial aid options to help you cover tuition costs for college.

UAF Tuition and Costs

Here’s a breakdown of college tuition and other costs at UAF. Remember, most students receive financial aid and only pay a portion of college tuition costs. Once you get an idea of the cost for college, we encourage you to explore all of the financial aid options available and calculate the amount of aid you will receive using the resources that follow.

costs at course levels

Course levelsAlaska residentNon-residentWUE**Military***
300-400-level$289/credit$855/credit $406/credit$250/credit

Estimated UAF semester costs

First-years and sophomoresAlaska residentNon-residentWUE**Military***
Tuition and fees* (15 credits, 100-200-level courses)$4,530$13,365$6,285$3,510
Room and board (double room + weekly 7 block meal plan)$5,270$5,270$5,270$5,270
Semester total$9,800$18,635$11,555$8,780
Juniors and seniorsAlaska residentNon-residentWUE**Military***
Tuition and fees* (15 credits, 300-400-level courses)$5,400$14,220$7,155$3,750
Room and board (double room + weekly 7 block meal plan)$5,270$5,270$5,270$5,270
Semester total$10,670$19,490$12,425$9,020
Graduate studentsAlaska residentNon-residentMilitary***
Tuition and fees* (9 credits, 600-level courses)$5,580$10,881$5,580
Room (2 bedroom, shared)$4,951$4,951$4,951
Semester total$10,531$15,832$10,531

Estimated  UAF annual costs

First-years and sophomoresAlaska residentNon-residentWUE**Military***
Tuition and fees* (30 credits, 100-200-level courses)$9,060$26,730$12,570$7,020
Room and board (double room + weekly 7 block meal plan)$10,540$10,540$10,540$10,540
Annual total$19,600$37,270$23,110$17,560
Juniors and seniorsAlaska residentNon-residentWUE**Military***
Tuition and fees* (30 credits, 300-400-level courses)$10,800$28,440$14,310$7,500
Room and board (double room + weekly 7 block meal plan)$10,540$10,540$10,540$10,540
Annual total$21,340$38,980$24,850$18,040
Graduate studentsAlaska residentNon-residentMilitary***
Tuition and fees* (18 credits, 600-level courses)$11,160$21,762$11,160
Room (2 bedroom, shared)$9,902$9,902$9,902
Annual total$21,062$31,664$21,062