University Of Calgary Shopping Cart Validation

Shopping Cart Validation

Using the “Validate” option, students can validate their shopping cart before their enrolment start time to check for potential enrolment errors. These errors include time conflicts, unfulfilled pre-requisites or co-requisites, missing departmental consent, anti-requisites, and so on.

This feature will be active starting the first week of January for the spring and summer terms, and the first week March for the fall and winter terms. Validation can be done in the Student Centre as well as in the Visual Schedule Builder.

Note: the validate option DOES NOT result in enrolment. Once your enrolment start time arrives, you’ll still need to process your enrolment even if you’ve successfully validated your courses.


A course has to be added to the shopping cart in order to validate it.

A green check box indicating that a course is “OK to add” DOES NOT guarantee enrolment in the course. Other factors may prevent enrolment, and those factors can only be determined during the actual enrolment. The validate option DOES NOT capture all enrolment errors.

If a course has multiple potential problems, the validate option will only display one potential problem at a time.

You can run the validation option multiple times by either selecting any or all of the courses in your shopping cart.

You CANNOT successfully validate a course that has one or more of its pre-requisite course in the shopping cart of any prior term(s).