University of California Application Forms-Apply

University of California Application Forms-Apply

Before you apply
To get ready for the application, you should visit our admissions website. There you’ll find everything you need to know about applying to UC, including:

Applying as a freshman

The people who’ll shape the 21st century? They’re right here—and you can join them.

Let’s get started.

Filling out the application

Even though applying to UC is an exciting time in your life, it can also be daunting. But we’re here to reassure you – we’re not looking for perfection. We want to know about your passions and life experiences…everything that makes you, YOU.

Our application is designed to capture all of this and more.

Personal insight questions

Our personal insight questions are about getting a better sense of who you are. Take time to think about your life experience, ambition and inspiration. It’s just one small part of your application—but it’s a great chance to introduce yourself, and make an impression.

How applications are reviewed

We know you’re more than just your grades and test scores. Using a process called comprehensive review, we look at how hard you’ve worked to take advantage of the opportunities you’ve had to excel at school, in your favorite extracurricular activities and in your community.

After you apply

You’ve selected your campuses, submitted your application, paid your application fees. Now what? You still have a few more items to cross off your list.

Dates & deadlines

You can start working on your fall application as early as August 1, and submit it by November 30.

Application filing periods

Fall quarter/semester: November 1–30
Winter quarter/spring semester: July 1–31

UC Berkeley and UC Merced are on the semester system calendar while all other campuses are on the quarter system calendar. All campuses are open for the fall term. 

Applying as a transfer

2 out of 3 transfer students who apply to UC get in. How did they do it? By knowing UC is possible.

Let’s get started.

Filling out the application

 Even though applying to UC is an exciting time in your life, it can also be daunting. But we’re here to reassure you – we’re not looking for perfection. We want to know about your passions and life experiences…everything that makes you, YOU.

Our application is designed to capture all of this and more.

Personal insight questions

Our personal insight questions are about getting a better sense of who you are. Take time to think about your life experience, ambition and inspiration. It’s just one small part of your application—but it’s a great chance to introduce yourself, and make an impression.

How applications are reviewed

We know you’re more than just your grades and test scores. Using a process called comprehensive review, we look at how hard you’ve worked to take advantage of the opportunities you’ve had to excel at school, in your favorite extracurricular activities and in your community.

After you apply

You’ve selected your campuses, submitted your application, paid your application fees. Now what? You still have a few more items to cross off your list.

Dates & deadlines

You can start working on your fall application as early as August 1, and submit it by November 30.

Application filing periods

Fall quarter/semester: November 1–30
Winter quarter/spring semester: July 1–31

UC Berkeley and UC Merced are on the semester system calendar while all other campuses are on the quarter system calendar. All campuses are open for the fall term.