University of Oklahoma Application Forms

Undergraduate Freshman Application Instructions

How to Apply:

Application Deadline

Applications must be received in the Office of Admissions by:

April 1 – fall semester or summer session November 1 – spring semester.
This application form in PDF format is designed for you to fill out on-screen, then print and mail to the University.

Or, if you prefer, you may print the application, fill it out by hand and then mail it. Please note that this application form cannot be sent electronically. If you wish to submit your application electronically, click here.

Non-refundable application processing fee

$40 for U.S. citizens and permanent residents

$90 for international students

Make checks/money orders payable to the University of Oklahoma, or submit the completed credit authorization section with your application.

Materials to be submitted in addition to the admission application and application fee:

• Official high school transcript reflecting at least six semesters of work completed, a grade point average computed on an unweighted 4.0 scale, and a rank in class.

• Official copies of your ACT and/or SAT scores.

• An official transcript from any collegiate institution you have attended as a concurrently enrolled student.

• Official copies of any AP or CLEP test scores

Please mail materials to:

University of Oklahoma
Office of Admissions
1000 Asp Avenue Room 127

Completing the Application Form:

Legal Name

Provide your legal name.

Other Names Under Which Your Records May Appear

List any other names under which your transcripts or test scores may appear.

Student Information

Social Security Number-Your Social Security number is required for Internal Revenue Service reporting and financial aid, but will not be used as your permanent student identification number. You will be notified of your permanent Sooner ID once it has been assigned to you.

Birth Date -Enter in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.

Student Permanent Home Address

If your permanent address is different from your mailing address, enter the information here. If it is the same, you may enter SAME.

Mailing Address For Reply

Enter the address to which you would like your correspondence from the Admissions office to be delivered.

Phone Numbers and E-mail Address

Enter your home phone, work phone (if applicable), and e-mail address (if applicable).

Parent or Guardian Information

If applicable, enter your parent or guardian information.

Parent or Guardian Mailing Address

If applicable, enter your parent or guardian information.

Citizenship Information

Non U.S. citizens must also complete a confidential financial statement. If you are a non U.S. citizen, please complete an international

Residence Status

If you check Resident of Oklahoma, you must provide how long you have been a resident of Oklahoma in years and months.

Ethnicity and Race Information

This information is voluntary and for United States citizens only. It is requested for reporting purposes only. For the purpose of eligibility for
programs and services designated for Native American/Alaskan Native students, documentation of tribal/village membership/affiliation will
be required. CDIB cards are not sufficient evidence of tribal membership. Enter your tribal/village membership/affiliation on the line

U.S. Veteran Information

Veteran – Are you are a veteran of the United States armed forces?