University Of Pretoria Postgraduate Online Application Form

University of Pretoria (UP) Postgraduate Online Application Form

The University of Pretoria (UP) online application portal is open to all qualified applicants irrespective of colour, race, ethnic identity, religion, gender, or national origin provided they qualify for the programmes for which they want to apply.

To help you get the most out of the information provided, here are a few key points you should bear in mind:

  1. Identify the program you wish to study
  2. The minimum entrance requirements for the program
  3. Application fee and application closing date

Both South Africans and International interested students can apply for the University of Pretoria (UP) Postgraduate Application Form provided they qualify and meet the entry requirements for the programmes they want to apply.

Note – Once the University of Pretoria (UP) Postgraduate Admission Application Portal/Form close, new applications will not be submitted. So register now while the applications are still ongoing.


  • Electrical, Electronic And Computer Engineering
  • Postgraduate – Admission Procedure and Requirements


  • All students currently registered at the University of Pretoria (eg. final year undergraduate, Honours and Masters students) who wish to start with further postgraduate studies must complete the “Internal Application for Admission” form before 30 November of the year prior to the intended first year of study for the new degree. This form only has to be completed at the start of a new degree. The forms are available from the Client Service Centre. After successful admission to the University has been confirmed students have to register at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering before 31 January of the intended year of study (see the Registration Procedure and Study Fees  section for details).
  • All students from other Universities, as well as students from the University of Pretoria who were not registered for a year or longer, must apply for admission to the University before 30 October of the year prior to the intended first year of study. “Application for Admission” forms are available at: Apply at UP. After successful admission to the University has been confirmed, students have to register at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering before 31 January of the intended year of study (see the Registration Procedure and Study Fees  section for details).


  • International students who wish to apply for admission to the University of Pretoria must be in possession of a valid study permit/permanent residency permit and have the necessary medical aid cover before their registration will be finalised. Please contact the Client Service Centre of the University of Pretoria for help in this regard, at  or +27 12 420-3111.
  • Students must apply for admission to the University before 31 August of the year prior to the intended first year of study. “Application for Admission” forms are available at:Apply at UP

Foreign students must also provide the following as part of their application for admission.

1. Copies of transcripts for all previous university studies
​2. Copy of final year project report in PDF format

3. Copy of masters dissertation or equivalent in PDF format (for PhD students only)

4. A list of published journal articles, if any

5. For students who did not complete their studies in an English medium University, TOEFL exam scores (internet based test – iBT) must also be provided.After successful admission to the University has been confirmed students have to register at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering before 31 January of the intended year of study (see the Registration Procedure and Study Fees  section for details).



The minimum requirement for admission to the BEng(Hons) degree is:

  • A BEng degree awarded by the University of Pretoria (or equivalent); or a four year bachelor’s degree in engineering that ECSA (Engineering Council of South-Africa) regards as acceptable for registration as a Candidate Engineer and for eventual registration as a Professional Engineer.
  • The departmental Postgraduate Committee reserves the right to make a thorough assessment of the applicant’s academic transcript and CV, and to decide if the applicant is suitable for postgraduate studies. This assessment may include an oral or written entrance examination.


  • No new applications for BSc(Hons) and BSc(Hons)(Applied Sciences) degrees have been considered from 2004 onwards. Students that are registered for these degrees in other departments may not take Honours level modules in this department.


  • The minimum requirement for admission to the MSc(Applied Sciences) degree is an applicable BSc(Hons) degree (eg. BSc(Hons)(Applied Sciences), BSc(Hons)(Computer Science), etc.). Only students with an average above 65% for their Honours degree will be considered.


The minimum requirement for admission to the MEng degree is:

  • A BEng(Hons) degree from the University of Pretoria. Only students with an average above 65% for their Honours degree will be considered.
  • An Honours degree or equivalent engineering qualification from another University – if the applicant has been selected by a selection committee in the Department. Applicants who wish to be considered for selection must supply the same documents as listed in points 1 to 5 under the Procedure for International Students. The selection committee may decide to invite the applicants for an oral examination.


The minimum requirement for admission to the PhD(Engineering) degree is:

  • An MEng degree from the University of Pretoria.
  • A Masters degree or equivalent engineering qualification from another University – if the applicant has been selected by a selection committee in the Department. Applicants who wish to be considered for selection must supply the same documents as listed in points 1 to 8 under the Procedure for International Students. The selection committee may decide to invite the applicants for an oral examination.


The minimum requirement for admission to the PhD degree is:

  • An MSc(Applied Science) degree from the University of Pretoria.
  • A Masters degree or equivalent qualification from another University – if the applicant has been selected by a selection committee in the Department. Applicants who wish to be considered for selection must supply the same documents as listed in points 1 to 8 under the Procedure for International Students. The selection committee may decide to invite the applicants for an oral examination.


The DEng degree is a doctoral degree that is conferred on the basis of publications. Naturally, it is expected that candidates for this degree have undertaken eminent and extensive research and, by virtue of their publications, enjoy significant international recognition.


Application forms can be obtained at any of the University of Pretoria (UP) Campuses Admission Office in Hard Copy and, or apply online on the College Website.Deadlines for MSc and PhD applications: dependent on study supervisor

Deadlines for Honours applications: 30 September

Deadlines for all international applications: 31 August

Ensure to follow the steps below when applying for masters or doctoral studies in the Department of Geology.  This will ensure that the department is aware of your application and is able to supervise you before submitting registration forms.  A tick list can be requested via email (for easy completion) or can be viewed as a pdf.  This completed document can be submitted to a potential project promoter or supervisor to ensure a complete and thorough application.

Note that no candidate will be considered without a detailed project proposal, proof of funding and a potential supervisor.

  1. Approve your latest degree on the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) homepage and apply for accreditation by clicking here.
  2. Take the Test of English as a Foreign Language  (TOEFL) by registering online if you cannot prove that you studied in English. A score of 550 (or 213 for the computerised test) is required. More information on this and other matters for international students are available here.
  3. Ensure that you have adequate funding for tuition, living expenses and project costs which may pertain to your field of research. Tuition fees are noted here and information about postgraduate funding, loans and bursaries are available here.
  4. Apply for VISAs, permits and insurance diligently by clicking here as the University of Pretoria will not make these arrangements on your behalf.
  5. Decide which degree to pursue by clicking here.
  6. Choose a provisional topic as the Department of Geology cannot randomly supply projects and it remains your prerogative to choose your topic. To ensure that your proposed project falls within the expertise of the Department, have a look at our research thrusts.
  7. Find a promoter within the Department of Geology who is able, willing and available to supervise you. Then submit your query (including acknowledgement that all preceding steps have been followed, a provisional topic and a preferred promoter) by clicking here to generate a query which will be discussed in the Department of Geology.
  8. Register after receipt of an email from a potential supervisor (whether or not the person chosen above). Registration forms from can be obtained from the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences or you can register online. For online registration, you need to have a credit card. Applications close 30 June for selection courses and 31 August for all other courses for all non-RSA residents.
  9. Submit supporting documentation (e.g. identity documents, degree certificates and academic records)as requested in an email you will receive from the Faculty.
  10. Departmental recommendation follows at this stage, after which – on approval – the student will be informed by the Faculty.
  11. Arrange a project meeting on acceptance with the Department.
  12. Do you have a valid driver’s license and your own transport?  This is required for anyone studying Engineering and Environmental Geology (honours, master’s and doctorate levels).


  1. Note that preference is given to students presently studying at UP.
  2. Funding for research projects has to be arranged by the student unless a funded project is available from the prospective supervisor.
  3. All students should have valid driver’s licenses and their own transport.
  4. No students will be accepted without a fully funded project.

The University of Pretoria (UP) student login portal can be accessed via the link below. Please Login by providing your Username and Password.