William Pitcher College Eswatini

William Pitcher College developed from the Government Teacher Training Centre which was established in 1953 and shared the same premises with the Swazi National School in Matsapha.

In 1958, a desire for a bigger teacher training institution resulted in the relocation of the training centre to Manzini. In August 1962, a Teacher Training College was officially opened in Manzini by Sir John Maud C.C.B., C.B.E. in the present William Pitcher College location.

In October 1963, the college was renamed William Pitcher College in honor and memory of the late William Pitcher ESQ, OBE, who was the director of education from 1951 to 1962.

William Pitcher College Eswatini Courses Offered

William Pitcher College Eswatini Admission Requirements

William Pitcher College Eswatini Tuition and Fees Structure

William Pitcher College Eswatini Current Prospectus

William Pitcher College Eswatini Online Application Form

William Pitcher College Eswatini Online Application Deadline

William Pitcher College Eswatini Mature Age Entry Application Form.

What Are The Details Of William Pitcher College Eswatini?

  •  Address: William Pitcher Rd,
    Manzini, Eswatini
  •  Location: Manzini, Eswatini
  •  Telephone Number: +268 2505 2081
  •  Email Address: wpcregistrar@outlook.com
  •  Website: http://www.wpc.ac.sz/

Is William Pitcher College Eswatini well Accredited?

William Pitcher College is affiliated to the University of Eswatini and all its programmes are moderated and approved by the university. Hence, it is the University of Eswatini that awards the diplomas to the graduates of the college.