Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Online Application Deadline

Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Online Application Deadline

The Zimbabwe Open University is a distance teaching and open learning institution that was created by an Act of Parliament [Chapter 25:20] on 1 March 1999 . It operates through a National Centre and ten Regional Centres that are found in each of the political provinces of the country.

This handbook provides some guidelines and policies on admission, registration and assessment procedures. More information is provided in the various University regulatory instruments and documents.

Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Courses Offered pdf

The Zimbabwe Open University admits students every semester through advertising nationally. Each programme on offer admits students once a year. Advertisements will only be floated after confirmation of the availability of the learning materials such as modules and tutorial letters.

ActivityFirst SemesterSecond Semester
Advertising30 August of Each Year7 March of Each Year
Deadline of Receipt of application forms30 September Each Year and 7 October each year (Late Applications)7 April Each Year
14 April Each Year (Late Applications)
Finalisation of Admissions30 October Each Year30 April Each Year

Faculties through Academic Registry submit advertisements which outline qualification requirements for each programme and deadlines of receipt of application forms.

Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Online Application Form

The advertisements specify the required certified certificates which accompany the application form.

Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Tuition And Fees Structure

Read More Here Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Online Application Deadline

Zou Contact Info

Corner House Corner. Samora Machel Avenue and Leopold Takawira Street.

P. O. Box MP 1119. Mount Pleasant. Harare.



For information enquiries:
