Africa University (AU) Online Application Form

Africa University (AU) Online Application Form

Welcome to Africa University Online Application Platform

Thank you for accessing the Africa University online application portal. Before you proceed, please select your application status

If you would like to start your studies at Africa University as a new student, please click the button below.

New Applicant

Before you proceed with your application, please go through the following steps and carefully read the important information outlined.

Step 1: What you need to complete your application.

1. A valid email address

To create an applicant account, you need to have:

This email address will be used as a LoginID when accessing the applicant portal and all communications regarding your application once submitted will be sent to the same email address. If you currently do not have any valid email address, create one by selecting any one from the few email service providers listed below.




2. Scanned Copies of your documents

To have a smooth sailing application, you should have the following documents scanned and preferably saved in pdf format.

Proof of Identification

Academic Certificates

Proof of Payment

If you have already paid your application fee offline thus at the bank or at any of the Africa University Campuses, scan the proof of payment and also save it preferably in pdf format.

Step 2 : How to navigate throughout the applicant portal.

Icon and Symbols

Throughout the portal you will come across these buttons in various sections:

This is the break down of these buttons and their functions throughout the system.

This is the break down of these buttons and their functions throughout the system.

Add Button – Click on the button to start the process of entering a new record

Edit Button – Highlight a record, then click on the button to edit it

View Button – Highlight a record, then click on the button to view it

Delete Button – Highlight a record, then click on the button to delete it

A red star in any field indicates that it is mandatory information

Menu and Application Steps

Expand or Collapse the left Navigation pane, in order to create more space on your screen.

To start your application , Click on Applicant Details tab and fill in your personal details especially the mandatory fields marked with

In this section you fill in the details of your Parents / Guardians which will be saved in your profile.

In this section you enter your permanent address details and the addresses for your Parents / Guardians.

This information will be used in allocating accommodation and arranging any special needs that you might require.

In this section you can search for the program of your choice using campus location, program group or by typing a keyword in the program’s name. You can choose up to 3 programs of your choice to be considered for admission. You can sort the programs according to priority.

In this section you’ll be required to enter your Educational Qualifications from Secondary school onwards

Required only Graduate Studies and for applicants who have a significant work experience

Required for students applying for Programs in the Institute of Religious Studies

In this section, you enter the details of any English Competency tests you might have taken especially for applicants applying from Non-English speaking countries.

This is the section where you have to upload all the scanned copies of your academic documents and identification documents.

This is the final step of the application process. You will be required to select the mode of payment you would like to use. For those that select offline payment, you will be required to upload a scanned copy of the proof of payment.

After completing all the required information, you can “Submit Application” and preview your application by clicking on the “Print Profile” button.

After completing all the required information, you can “Submit Application” and preview your application by clicking on the “Print Profile” button.

Start Application Process

To continue with an application you have already started or track the status of your application, click the botton below.

Returning Applicant

Click Africa University (AU) Online Application Form