Alberta University Of The Arts Online Application Deadline

Important Dates And Deadlines

Please note: these are general dates that may vary slightly from year to year, depending on holidays. Please double check dates and deadlines in the appropriate section of the Online Calendar.

All U of A students and staff have access to the academic calendar in their email accounts; click on “calendar” to view your calendar.


BA and Many Other Undergraduate Programs (Fall term)

  • October: online application system opens
  • March 1: application deadline for BA program and many other programs
  • May 1: online application and portfolio submission deadline for BFA and BDes programs
  • Please check calendar to see if you can apply for admission for other terms

BDes and BFA Programs (Fall Term Admission Only)

  • October: online application system opens
  • May 1: deadline for online application
  • May 1: deadline for portfolio submission

Special Student Status

  • July 1: application deadline for Fall term admission
  • March 1: application deadline for Spring/Summer term admission

Open Studies Status

  • August 25: application deadline for Fall term admission
  • December 15: application deadline for Winter term admission
  • April 25: application deadline for Spring term admission
  • June 30: application deadline for Summer term admission


For Fall and Winter Terms

ART, DES, and 300-level and 400-level HADVC classes

  • Continuing BFA and BDes students register themselves in ART and DES courses between late March and April 30th.
  • New BFA and BDes students will be registered by the Undergraduate Advisor once they are admitted.
  • HADVC honors students will request their courses by emailing the Undergraduate Advisor in March.
  • All other students will request courses through procedures outlined by the Undergraduate Advisor in March
  • See Course Registration and Listings for more information

All Other Courses

  • Students register themselves online using Bear Tracks. Registration dates will be posted in your Bear Tracks account and typically start in mid to late March.

Spring and Summer Courses

  • System opens for online registration in mid-February (you will see the date and time in your Bear Tracks account.)
  • All degree program students register for all classes online.
  • Starting in 2019, students in Art & Design majors, minors, BFA and BDes programs will have priority registration access to studio courses.
  • Open Studies/Special Students must contact the Undergraduate Advisor to discuss registration in ART, DES and HADVC courses.


You can see all academic dates and deadlines by accessing the calendar in your email account. You will find “Academic Schedule” under “Other Calendars”.


1. Graduation and Convocation

NOTE: Graduation is not automatic; you must apply to graduate!

Even if you do not plan to attend the convocation ceremony, you must apply for your degree on BearTracks by the deadline. There is no fee to apply.

When to apply:

  • If you are completing your degree requirements at the end of the Fall (December) or Winter (April) term, we encourage you to apply by the middle of October (and once you have registered in all applicable courses). If you are planning on completing your program requirements in Spring/Summer term, please apply by the middle of April once you have registered in the Spring or Summer courses. Early application allows time for any changes that may be necessary to final term registrations.

Final application deadlines:

  • February 1 – Spring Convocation&#x2028&#x2028
  • September 1 – Fall Convocation &#x2028&#x2028

Note that you cannot convocate in Spring if you are still taking classes towards your degree in May/June (Spring) term. Similarly, you cannot convocate in Fall if you are still taking classes towards your degree in the September (Fall) term.

2. BFA and BDes Grad shows

BDes Grad Show Eligibility Requirements are as follows, for the grad show at the end of each Winter term:

  • complete your 300-level or 400-level HADVC course by the end of Winter term (if applicable to your route)
  • complete at least 12 of 500-level DES courses by the end of Winter term
  • finish all other degree requirements by the end of the Fall term

BFA Grad Show Eligibility Requirements are as follows, for the grad show at the end of each Winter term:

  • complete your 300-level or 400-level HADVC course by the end of Winter term
  • complete at least 12 of 500-level ART courses by the end of Winter term
  • finish all other degree requirements by the end of the Fall term