Bindura University Of Science Education (BUSE) Courses Offered pdf

Bindura University Of Science Education (BUSE) Courses Offered

Below are the lists of all the courses offered at the Bindura University of Science Education .

Postgraduate Programmes

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)

Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (PGDTE)

Master of Science Education Degree in Curriculum Studies

Master of Science Education Degree

Master of Science Education Degree in Measurement and Evaluation (MSc.Ed.ME) Degree)

Master of Science in Biodiversity Conservation

Master of Science in Applied Microbiology and Plant Pathology

Master of Science Degree in Environmental Physics

Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Financial Mathematics

Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry

Master of Science in Inorganic Chemistry

Master of Science in Physical Chemistry

Master of Science Degree in Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sustainability

Master of Science Degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

Diploma Programmes

Diploma in Science Education

Undergraduate Programmes 

Bachelor of Science Education General Degree in Biological Sciences (3 years)

Bachelor of Science Education General Degree in Chemistry (BscEd 3 years)

Bachelor of Science Education General Degree in Geography (BScEd 3 years)

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Biological Sciences (HBScEd – 3 Years)

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Chemistry (HBScEd 3 years)

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Computer Science (HBScED 3 years)

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Biological Sciences (HBScEd – 4 Years)

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Chemistry (BScEdH)4 years

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Physics (BScEdH 4 years)

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Mathematics (BScEdH 4 years)

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Computer Science (BScEdH 4 years)

Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Biological Sciences

Bachelor of Technology Honours Degree in Biotechnology

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Applied Mathematics

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Statistics and Financial Mathematics

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Physics

Master of Science Degree in Environmental Physics

Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Financial Mathematics

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Chemical Technology

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Information Technology

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Sport Science and Management

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Development Studies

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Disaster Management

BSc Honours Degree in Nursing Education

BSc Honours Degree in Optometry

Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Bachelor of Environmental Science Honours Degree in Forestry

Bachelor of Environmental Science Honours Degree in Wildlife and Rangeland Ecology

Bachelor of Environmental Science Honours Degree in Safety, Health and Environmental Management(Block Release and Conventional)

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Crop Science

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Animal Science

Bachelor of Science Honours in Agricultural Economics and Management

Bachelor of Science Honours in Agricultural Education and Extension

Diploma in Agricultural Practice

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Peace and Governance

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Social Work

Certificate in Clinical Pastoral Education and Counselling

Faculty of Commerce

Bachelor of Accountancy Honours Degree

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Economics

Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Purchasing and Supply

Bachelor of Business Studies Honours degree in Marketing

Bachelor of Business Studies Honours Degree in Human Resources Management

Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Banking and Finance

Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Financial Intelligence 4 years (Conventional)

Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Financial Intelligence 3 Years (Block Release)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Police and Security Studies

Diploma In Intelligence And Security

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