Botswana College Of Engineering And Technology Courses Offered

Botswana College of Engineering and Technology Courses Offered

Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering
Diploma in Water and Environmental Engineering
Diploma in Geomatics
Diploma Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

The Student Affairs Division has the responsibility for creating this environment.

 Undergraduate Applications

  • Undegraduate Programmes
    • This will show you the undergraduate programmes of the Botswana College Of Engineering And Technology of Botswana
  • Apply to Study
    •  All applications for admission into undergraduate programmes are done through the Undergraduate Admissions, Recruitment and Liason Office. For more information on how to apply to BCET, click APPLY
  • Undergraduate
    • The Botswana College Of Engineering And Technology of Botswana offers a wide range of undergraduate study programmes, which are offered on the collection of  Full-Time, Part-Time, and Distance modes. Our particularly broad portfolio of Full-Time degree programmes covers Business, Engineering, Education, Humanities, Health Sciences, Science, Social Sciences and Medicine
  •   When to Apply
    • Applicants seeking admission into undergraduate programmes at UB for the new academic year which begins in August, may apply from Mid-February to the last working day of March every year.Those  seeking re-admission into UB or those seeking transfer from their institution to UB may apply in March or November each year in order to enter in August or January respectively. APPLYING TO BCET

Postgraduate Applications

  • Postgraduate Programmes
    • This will show you the postgraduate programmes of the Botswana College Of Engineering And Technology of Botswana
  • Apply to Study
    • All applications for admission into postgraduate programmes are done through the School of Graduate Studies Admissions Office.
    • How to APPLY
  • Mode of Study
    • The Botswana College Of Engineering And Technology of Botswana offers a wide range of postgraduate study programmes, which are offered on  Full-Time, Part-Time, and Modular modes
  • When to Apply
    • Applicants seeking admission into postgraduate programmes at BCET for the new academic year which begins in August may apply from Mid-February to the last working day of March every year. MPhil/PhD applications are continuous.  For any enquiries on MPhil/PhD applications after closing date contact School of Graduate Studies Admissions office at telephone numbers (00267) – 3552960/2861/2862/4690; or email: