Botswana Development Corporation Latest Job Vacancies

Botswana Development Corporation Latest Job Vacancies


Botswana Development Corporation or ‘BDC,’ is the country’s main agency for commercial and industrial development. Established in 1970 under the Companies Act, BDC is a company Limited by Shares and owned by the Government of Botswana.  The control of the Corporation is vested in an independent Board of Directors led by an Independent Non-Executive Chairman.  The Managing Director is responsible for the day to day running of the Corporation.


BDC’s primary mandate is to drive the Industrialisation of the country by providing financial assistance to investors with commercially viable projects.  BDC provides both debt and equity financing to commercially viable projects that perform one or more of the following functions:

  • Pioneer new industries
  • Unlock value in existing industries
  • Stimulate private sector growth and foster linkages with the local industry 
  • Drive diversification and exports
  • Create significant employment.


The Corporation Invests in commercially viable projects in all sectors of the economy except large-scale mining. These sectors include:

  • Industry/Manufacturing
  • Agriculture
  • Services
  • Property & Infrastructure 
  • Energy.  


To be an investment partner of choice in the transformation of Botswana’s economy.


To create sustainable economic value as a strategic investor of inclusive, impactful and productive enterprises.


Client centricity – Our business is premised on creating a heightened and impactful client experience, one that emphasises responsiveness, diligence and long-term value creation. 

Innovation – We value creative, future-oriented thinking that challenges conventional views, encourages novelty and constantly redefines the standard of excellence in everything we do. 

Integrity – We remain steadfast in delivering on our promises in a manner that upholds honesty, transparency, fairness and equality. We act responsibly in all interactions and we are accountable for our decisions and actions.

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Sustainability – In our ambition to realise the triple bottom line “people, profit and planet” we pledge ourselves to being socially, economically, environmentally and financially responsible in all our dealings.


Botswana Development Corporation

Fairscape Precinct, Plot 70667, The Tower, Fairgrounds

Private Bag 160, Gaborone

Tell: (267) 365 1300

Twitter: @BDCLimited

Facebook Page: Botswana Development Corporation Limited

LinkedIn: Botswana Development Corporation Limited
