Carnegie Mellon University Rwanda (CMUR) 04-900   MSIT Practicum

Carnegie Mellon University Rwanda (CMUR) 04-900   MSIT Practicum

04-900   MSIT Practicum




Course description

The MSIT practicum provides an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge and skills learned in their classes to solve a real-world problem in information and communication technology offered by an industry client. In collaboration with a faculty mentor, each team of students works with an industry client to understand the problem to be addressed and develop a strategy to create a solution in one semester.

A plan and schedule is developed, tasks are assigned, and progress is monitored through regular meetings. The solution is presented to the industry client who joins the faculty supervisor in evaluating and grading the practicum project.

Learning objectives

Working as a team member

Engaging with a client

Developing and accessing alternative solutions

Developing a work plan based on client requests and assessments of project constraints

Delivering a quality product on time


After completing this course, students should be able to:

Acquire and assess requirements with a client

Make effective trade-offs in a project to realize a product that satisfies the client’s objectives

Define roles and tasks within a team and carry out a team project effectively

Make a project schedule and adapt throughout the project to deal with unforeseen contingencies

Student assessment

Grades are determined by faculty and client assessments of a set of deliverables.


2nd-year MSIT standing


George Okeyo

Check Carnegie Mellon University Rwanda (CMUR) 04-900   MSIT Practicum