Carnegie Mellon University Rwanda (CMUR) 04-990 MSIT Research Project

Carnegie Mellon University Rwanda (CMUR) 04-990   MSIT Research Project

04-990   MSIT Research Project




Course description

This Research Project is for students selecting the academic focus for their MSIT. When selecting this course, the student will replace the 24 units MSIT practicum by 36 units of research project.

The research project is conducted under the supervision of a faculty research adviser who first approves it based on the student’s skills and mutual interest. 

This project can only be performed in 3rd and/or 4th semester of MSIT. Students will be required to present and defend their research thesis in front of a research committee (public invited).

The research committee consists of 3 members including the adviser, and may include one external member.

Students can contact a faculty research adviser at any time during their MSIT to discuss the option of taking this “course”. The faculty research adviser may recommend pre-requisite courses based on the student’s skills or the subject of the research project.

Students selecting this course (and the MSIT academic focus) cannot take 04-980 Independent study. 

Course registration

A brief (no more than four pages) document should be submitted to the Director of Academics at least two weeks before the beginning of the project. Get more information about the registration. Get more information about registration Opens in new window (.pdf).

Student assessment

Students will be required to present and defend their research thesis in front of a research committee (public invited).

The research committee consists of 3 members including the adviser, and may include one external member.


Dependent on Research Topic

Check Carnegie Mellon University Rwanda (CMUR) 04-990 MSIT Research Project