Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ)

The Catholic University of Zimbabwe (CUZ) is a Catholic Church affiliated university established in 1999 in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city. It offers six undergraduate degree programs: Bachelor of Business Management & Information Technology (Honors), Bachelor of Business Management (Honors), Bachelor of Accounting (Honors), Bachelor of Social Science in Development Studies (Honors), Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Arts Dual (Honours).

It also offers a variety of short courses under the Faculty of Commerce and the Faculty of Humanities.


Ethical behavior





Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Courses Offered pdf

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Admission Requirements

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Tuition And Fees Structure

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Current Prospectus

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Student Fees Prospectus

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Online Application Form

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Online Application

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Online Application Deadline

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Mature Age Entry Application Form

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Online Student Login Portal

Catholic University In Zimbabwe (CUZ) Online Registration.

Is The Catholic University In Zimbabwe Accredited?

CUZ officially accredited and/or recognized by the Higher Education Board of Zimbabwe.

How Do I Apply To Catholic University?

Catholic University is a member of the Common Application, and all first-year, transfer, and international applicants are required to complete the Common Application by the appropriate deadline. By clicking the Apply Now button, you will be taken to the Common Application website.