Centre d’Études Supérieures de la MCCI Mauritius Admission Requirements

Centre d’Études Supérieures de la MCCI Mauritius Admission Requirements

The BTS is prepared in two years after a HSC or Baccalaureate at the MCCI Business School in partnership with the Lycée La Bourdonnais under the auspices of the Rectorate of the Reunion and the French Embassy.

Specialization in a professional field and rapid and direct integration into working life
The course combines theoretical and practical courses taught by professionals.

Discovering the company

The training courses are organized under the responsibility of the training institution and are the subject of an agreement with the companies. 

The student benefits in BTS from a training period of 14 to 18 weeks spread over the whole year and is supervised by a professional tutor.

Continuation of studies after BTS

Prosecutions are possible in Mauritius or abroad.

In Mauritius, the MCCI Business School allows you to pursue your studies (full-time or part-time) in Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in collaboration with the Institute of Business Administration of Poitiers to obtain a diploma of ” state.

You can also apply for a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree at a university or in specialized schools in France or in Europe.

Admission requirements and registration

The training takes place in two years full-time or alternately after the BAC / HSC. It is open to graduates and holders of the HSC. Each application is subject to the submission of a registration dossier and a motivation interview

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