Chipola College Courses Offered

Chipola College Courses Offered

Choose Your Program of Study and Academic Pathway

It is in the student’s interest to choose a major and transfer school as soon as possible. Whenever possible, the student should use one of the pre-planned Academic Pathways listed below and available from Student Affairs, faculty advisors, or online under Student Services. Visit the the Career Resource Center or Florida Virtual Campus online for career exploration, information and degree shopping. Contact Student Services or the department for the most up-to-date Academic Pathway.

Bachelor of Science Degrees*
Business Administration (Accounting)4040Elementary Education4059Middle School Science Education4025
Business Administration  (Engineering Mgt)4043English Education4065Secondary Mathematics Education  4010
Business Administration (Infor. Systems)4042Exceptional Student Education4079Secondary Science Education (Biology)4020
Business Administration (Management)4041Middle School Mathematics Education4015Nursing4120
Associate in Arts Pathways

Designed for students who plan to transfer to a Florida public university as a junior after graduation.  Students who have not identified a major may follow the General College Academic Plan.

General College/Undecided1005English1060Nursing1120
Agribusiness1008English Education1065Nutrition/Dietetics1012
Agriculture Education1054Food & Resource Economics1046Pharmacy1130
Animal Science1145Forensic Science1116Political Science1137
Architecture1016Forestry Resources & Conservation1091Psychology1138
Art History/Studio Art1051Geomatics1011Recreation, Tourism & Events1087
Biology1019Health Promotion1078Science Education (Biology)1073
Business1020Health Science-Occupational Therapy1127Social Science Education1076
Cardiopulmonary Sciences1013Health Science-Physical Therapy1043Social Science Interdisciplinary1133
Chemistry or Chemical Science1034Information Technology1047Social Work1139
Communication Sc and Disorders1128Management Information Systems1038Special Education1079
Communications1101Marine Biology1014Sports Management1044
Computer Science (B.A.)1036Mathematics Education Secondary1067Sports Medicine/Athletic Training1113
Computer Science (B.S.)1035Mathematics Education Middle School1079Theatre/Drama1141
Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement/CSI1040Microbiology & Cell Science1015Theatre: Technical Production1142
Elementary Education1059Music Performance/Therapy1068Wildlife Ecology/Conservation1009
Engineering1080Music Education1069  
Associate in Science Degrees**

Designed for students with career goals that lead to employment in specific fields after graduation.

Business Administration2185Engineering Technology2187Networking Systems Tech: Digital Forensics2183
Civil Engineering Technology2178Industrial Management Technology2158Networking Systems Tech: Network Security2182
Computer Information Technology2172Nursing (RN)*2194Networking Systems Tech: Server Administration2181
Early Childhood Education2197Sports, Fitness & Recreation Mgt  2151Theatre and Entertainment Technology2165
Emergency Medical Services2190    

**These programs do not include the full general education sequence necessary for transfer to a four-year college or university after graduation.

College Credit Certificate

Designed for students with career goals that require specialized training in one of the areas listed below.

Advandced Manufacturing: 
     Pneumatics, Hydraulics & Motors Cert.
5270Help Desk Support Technician5244
Network/Cyber Security5246
Child Care Center Management 5297IT Support Specialist5245Network Server Administration5248
Digital Forensics5242Paramedic*5280Network Support Technician5247
Engineering Tech Support Specialist5275    
Workforce Development Certificate

Designed for students with career goals that require vocational training.

Advanced Manufacturing2259Cosmetology*2235Law Enforcement Officer*2213
Automotive Service Technology2215Crossover Training/Corr. to Law Enforce*2221Welding Technology2275
Building Construction2248Crossover Training/Law Enforce to Corr*2222Welding Technology Advanced2276
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)*2218Firefighter2210  
Correctional Officer*2212Firefighter/Emergency Medical Tech2216  
Applied Technology Diploma
EMT Certificate2219
Special Student Status
Non-Degree Seeking – College Credit9001Teacher Certification9094
Dental Hygiene – TCC9096Non-Degree Seeking – WorkForce Dev 9002

*Admission to the college neither constitutes nor guarantees admissions to Limited Access Programs. If you plan to enter one of these programs, you must request and submit a separate application packet for the specific program.