ECZ Online Exams Certificate

ECZ Syllabus is a great way of revising. We are committed to uploading more ECZ papers.  We provide these papers and more Syllabus for free.

ECZ Syllabus BY YEAR AND SUBJECT provides ECZ Syllabus for revision purpose. ECZ Past Revision Question Papers are NOW available at portal for download. These papers are compiled by as released by ECZ

Candidates can download ECZ question papers from to form an analytical foundation for predicting ECZ. Teachers and candidates can use these papers to draw some conclusions on what areas to focus during revision.  NOTE: Marking Schemes are NOT yet available! Thus, students are encouraged to work with their subject teachers and guardians.


  • Go to ECZ’S main website
  • Browse through the download section to select the subject/courses you wish to download. NOTE that it is in a PDF Format and prospective candidates can do that with the access of an internet connection.

However, if you are unable to access your ECZ Syllabus, Or find what you needed Or you have any correction regarding this post, Please, kindly drop a comment below and we will respond to it as soon as possible