Eugene Dupuch Law School 2-Year Programme Curriculum

Eugene Dupuch Law School 2-Year Programme Curriculum


Civil Procedure and Practice II

Determination of Proceedings without Trial. Preparation for Trial. Trial, judgment and orders Enforcement of judgment and orders. Equitable Remedies and Prerogative Orders. Restitution. Costs. Review of taxation of costs. Appeals in relation to costs.

Appeals from courts of first instance including interlocutory applications in appeals, security for costs, stay of execution of judgments appealed from, dismissal of appeals for non-compliance with rules, and reinstatement. Hearing and Judgment. Costs of appeal.

Appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, as of right, by leave of Courts of Appeal and by special leave of the Judicial Committee. Practice and procedure in appeals to the Judicial Committee. The Practice relating to the formation, operation and dissolution of companies and other associations. The practice and procedure in contentious matters in Probate and Administration proceedings.

Conveyancing and Registration of Title

General principles of conveyancing in relation to freehold, leasehold and other interests in the civil and common law systems of the West Indies including indigenous developments in both systems. The acquisition of title and land registration.

The Torrens System, the Roman-Dutch system of conveyancing. Title registers. Practice and procedure in relation to the acquisition of interests in land by judicial process. Vesting of property under the statute. Legislation relating to housing, town and country planning and compulsory acquisition of land.

Crown and state land tenures and interests. Restrictive covenants and their modification and variation. Prescription, Mortgages, charges, liens and hypothecs.

Ethics, Rights and Obligations of The Legal Profession

The status of members of the legal profession as officers of the Courts, independence of members of the legal profession, duties to the Court, clients, the public and the profession, the ethics of the legal profession; obligations to the public to promote the rule of law and to support the creation and maintenance of an independent judiciary; the role of the legal profession in aiding members of the public to secure adequate representation in legal proceedings, representation in matters in forma pauperis, Solicitors’ practice, Advocacy, Legal Aid.

Law Office Management, Accounting and Technology

General principles of office management. Bookkeeping and accounts. Double entry bookkeeping. The interpretation of balance sheets. Accounts generally and the separation of clients’ accounts from personal accounts. The preparation of bills of cost in legal proceedings. Records, filing and safekeeping of clients’ documents. Taxation of professional men. Duty to make tax returns. Professional advice on taxation.

Probate Practice and Procedure

The general principles of the law regulating testate and intestate succession in the common and civil law systems of the West Indies. Wills, intestacy and the administration and winding-up of the estate of deceased persons. The administration of trusts and settlements. Practice and procedure in non-contentious matters in probate and administration proceedings.

Legal Aid Clinic

Legal Aid is mandatory for all Year II students as a part of their clinical training programme.


General advocacy (including courtroom etiquette); negotiation and alternative dispute resolution; interviewing clients; and preparation of cases for litigation and settlement. This course has a significant practical dimension, including the holding of full mock trials.

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