Getting Married In Mauritius Legal Requirements

Marriage is a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any).

Five most important things in marriage

A. Marriages take 

B. Work

C. Commitment,

D. Love

E. Respect

The above five most important things in marriage comes together to perform a successful marriage. A marriage based on love and respect doesn’t just happen. Both spouses have to do their part.

Getting Married In Mauritius Legal Requirements

‘Marriage of true minds’ means mixing up two into one heartily for life long. A true lover lives for his love and dies for his love. This type of love is called the marriage of true minds.

Getting Married In Mauritius Legal Requirements

Mauritius is the chosen venue for sweethearts from all over the world to hold their wedding ceremony.

Almost all nationalities of the world can have a legal wedding here on the beautiful paradise island of Mauritius.

Though it is not possible to avoid the legal paperwork, we do our level best to make sure you will finalize all the paperwork quickly and stress-free.

The most important regarding the wedding paperwork is to make sure to bring with you all the originals of all the required documentation.


A. 2 Copies of passports

B. 2 Copies of birth certificates

C. 2 passport photos each

D. Decree absolute (if divorced)

E. Deed Poll (if the name has changed)

F. Death Certificate and previous marriage certificate if widowed

G. Non English documentation must be translated into English and duly stamped

H. French passport holders and citizens of other countries need to submit their documentation to us 3 months prior to their arrival in Mauritius

Read Also: Visa Requirements In Mauritius

Are weddings in Mauritius legal?

A marriage performed in Mauritius is legally recognized by British Law. The civil ceremony is similar to any British Registry Office ceremony.

How do I register a foreign marriage in Mauritius?

Foreign applicants need to provide satisfactory proof of identity. In the absence of the same, the Civil Status Division reserves the right not to process the request. 2) Foreign applicants can also authorise a person residing in Mauritius to collect the requested document.

How much does it cost to get married in Mauritius?

Destination Weddings in Mauritius are relatively inexpensive compared to many other destination locations, and some of the resorts include complete wedding packages and organizers. The average wedding in Mauritius costs around Rs 449,500.00.