Harare Institute Of Technology (HIT) Online Registration

Harare Institute Of Technology (HIT) Online Registration

Registration Period

Registration is normally conducted over a period of two days or as determined by the Registrar. Thereafter the late registration period will run for fourteen working days and shall attract a fee as determined by the University.

Registration of New Students(New Intake)

Registration of new students (Part one) is normally done on Thursday and Friday followed by orientation that runs from Monday to Friday in the following week.

New students are expected to bring during registration their original educational certificates, birth certificate and national identity card.

All new students (Part one) are issued with a registration information pack at the beginning of the registration process.

Orientation of new students (New intake)

Orientation of new students normally runs from Monday to Friday. Usual activities are as outlined below;

Dean of  Student Affairs Address

Campus Life Orientation

Teaching Departments Orientation

ICTs Orientation

Library Orientation

School Deans’ Address

Registrar’s Address

Vice Chancellor’s Address

NB. Orientation is compulsory for all new students.

Registration Procedures

Registration process of new students (New intake)

The Registration of new students starts from the Registration and Student Records Management Office with verification of certificates and issuance of registration information pack.

The process ends with submission of signed confirmation of registration receipt and enrolment data sheet at the Registration and Students Records Management Office.

Registration process of returning students

Registration process of returning students starts from the Finance Office by submission of clearance form for fees payment confirmation.

The process ends with the submission of signed confirmation of registration receipt and completed clearance form at the Registration and Student Records Management office.

International Students

International students are those students who are non-Zimbabwean citizens.

The University shall accept students from any country provided they meet the general entry programme requirements as stated in the respective school regulations.

All international students shall pay their tuition fees as determined by the university from time to time.

 Policy on registration

An applicant/student can only be a bona-fide HIT student upon registration.

A student shall be considered registered upon payment of the prescribed fees and signing on the confirmation of registration receipt. By signing the confirmation of registration receipt a student would be confirming the courses registered and undertaking to comply with the University’s regulations.

A student registered for a course is expected to attend all classes prescribed for such a course. Where tutorials, seminars, fieldwork, vacation work and practical sessions are prescribed, a student is required to complete any related assignments set.

If a student is unable to attend classes for health reasons for longer than 72 hours he/she must notify the appropriate Department of the facts as soon as possible and submit certification in support thereof by a  medical practitioner registered in accordance with the Medical, Dental and Allied Health Professions Act or any other relevant Act.

For absence on grounds other than health, prior permission from the Dean on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Department concerned is needed.                                                    

(NB.No University service will be offered to unregistered students)

Con-current registration

No student shall be registered in more than one programme with the University at the same time.

Change of Programme

No student shall be allowed to change from one programme to another two weeks after commencement of lectures.

Part one students who wish to apply for change of programme must fill in the relevant application forms which are obtainable from the Registration and Student Records Management office.

Change of programme can only be effected after approval has been granted by the University.

 Change of Mode of Study

The University offers degree programmes in conventional, parallel and block release modes of study.
Students who wish to apply for change of mode of study are required to fill in the relevant forms which are obtainable from the Registration and Student Records Management office.
Changes on the mode of study can only be effected after approval has been granted by the University.


Students who intend to withdraw must advise the University in writing and must fill in the relevant clearance forms which are obtainable from the Registration and Student Records Management office.


Students who are temporarily unable to proceed with their studies and wish to defer should seek prior approval by completing the relevant forms which are obtainable from the Registration and Student Records Management office or click here to download the form.

Presumed Withdrawn Students

Students who do not formally defer their studies will be presumed to have withdrawn.

Interim Transcripts

A student may request for an interim degree transcript upon payment of a fee which is subject to review by the Registrar from time to time.

Register Here Harare Institute Of Technology (HIT) Online Registration