Harare Polytechnic Mature Age Entry Application Form

Harare Polytechnic Mature Age Entry Application Form

Mature Entry

Persons who are at least 25 years of age on the first day of the academic year in which admission is

sought and who are not eligible for entry under the Normal or Special Entry Regulations may apply for

entry through mature entry provided that:

Applicants must have passed at least five approved ‘O’ level subjects including

English Language and Mathematics (or equivalents) and must have demonstrated

potential suitability for Institute studies by virtue of their attainments and/or relevant work experience.

Normally, applicants should have completed their full-time school or college education at least five years before the start of the academic year in which admission is sought.

Requirements for Mature Entry

Applicants who wish to be considered under the Mature Entry provision may be required to attend interviews and/or special tests at the Institute designed to assess their command of the English Language, numeracy and reasoning ability and general suitability for admission to Bachelor’s degree studies.

Applicants who have previously attended Mature Entry tests and/or interviews without success will not be considered for admission under this form of entry unless in the intervening period they have acquired additional qualifications and/or experience.

Submission of Applications

Applications must be submitted on the official Admission Application forms obtained from the Institution or can be downloaded from the Institute website.

The closing dates for receipt of application forms for Normal Entry shall be as advised for each year. Another date shall also be advised for receipt of late application forms.

Late applications may be considered upon payment of a prescribed late-application fee.

The closing date for Special Entry and Mature Entry applications shall be advised for each year.

Harare Polytechnic Contact Details

Address: The PrincipalHarare Polytechnic

P. O. Box CY 407



Location: Harare, Zimbabwe 

Telephone Number: +263 867 700 0340 

Telephone Number 2: +263 867 700 

Email Address: tmudondo@hrepoly.ac.zw 

Website: http://www.hrepoly.ac.zw