How Many Islands Are There In Mauritius

Islands are a piece of subcontinental land surrounded by water. Tiny islands such as emergent land features on atolls can be called islets, skerries, cays or keys.

How Many Islands Are There In Mauritius

There are two main types of islands in the sea: continental and oceanic. There are also artificial islands (man-made islands).


The Republic of Mauritius contains four Islands – Mauritius Island, Rodrigues Island, Agalega Islands, and the St. Brandon Islands, of which only the first two are tourist-friendly. While Mauritius Island is the most developed and hotspot for tourists from across the globe, the other islands have their remarkable charisma.

A. Mauritius Island

Mauritius Island

Home to the nation’s capital – Port Louis and the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport, Mauritius Island is where you’ll put your first step on Mauritian soil. It is known for its white sandy beaches, turquoise blue waters, and lavish resorts. It also has several treks and waterfalls that are tucked into forests.

B. Rodrigues Island

Rodrigues Island

Found about 650 kilometres off the east coast of Mauritius, right in the middle of the Indian Ocean, Rodrigues is a tiny exotic island surrounded by the ocean on all sides. With lush green slopes everywhere, the island is inexplicably beautiful and secluded.

The island is a volcanic outcrop located a sizeable distance away from the mainland and is surrounded by a shimmering turquoise lagoon that abounds with more marine life than you can find on the entire mainland.

3. Agalega and St. Brandon Island

Agalega and St. Brandon Island

These islands in Mauritius are sparsely populated and hard to reach. The ferry to Agalega operates just twice a year and there’s not much on the other side that you can’t find in Mauritius and Rodrigues. The water surrounding these virgin islands boasts of some of the most beautiful fish. 

4. Ile Aux Cerfs

Ile Aux Cerfs

Ile aux Cerfs Island, also known as “Deer Island”, is a private island located near the east coast of Mauritius. There aren’t any deer left here, but it remains a hugely popular tourist spot for its beautiful beaches, lagoons, and a wide variety of activities and facilities. With homestays and hotels available on the island, Ile aux Cerfs is ideal for both day trips and multiple-day stays.

Read Also: How Many International Airports Are In Mauritius

How many islands surround Mauritius?

Just off the Mauritian coast lie some 49 tiny uninhabited islands and islets (see: Islets of Mauritius), some of which are used as natural reserves for the protection of endangered species.

What is Mauritius best known for?

Mauritius is considered a luxury travel destination. The island is known for its crystal clear water with different shades of blue and green, white palm-fringed signature beaches with powder-fine, golden sands, and its fantastic submarine world of coral reefs.

Which area of Mauritius is best?

It’s often said that ‘west is best’ and we certainly agree: Mauritius’s west coast has unbeatable beaches ranging from the fine white sands of Trou aux Biches in the far north to the isolated Le Morne Peninsula on the south-west tip of the island.