How Many Ministries Are There In Mauritius

Ministries are responsible for the design and implementation of an area or sector of public policy and administration (e.g. agriculture, education, economy, foreign affairs), in line with the government programme and strategy.

How Many Ministries Are There In Mauritius

Ministries are also responsible for the direction of agencies under their authority.


1. Ministry of Defence, Home Affairs and External Communications; Ministry for Rodrigues, Outer Islands & Territorial Integrity

2. Ministry Of Energy and Public Utilities

3. Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology​

4. Ministry of Local Government, Disaster and Risk Management​

5. Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development​

6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade

7. ​Ministry of Housing and Land Use Planning​

8. Ministry of Industrial Development​​​, SMEs and Cooperatives​​

9. Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change​

10. Ministry of Financial Services and Good Governance​

​​11. Ministry of Tou​​ris​​​​m​​​​​​​​

12. Ministry of Justice, Human Rights & Institutional Reforms​

13. National Human Rights Commission

14. Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security

15. Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection

16. Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Recreation

17. Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation

Read Also: List Of Ministers In Mauritius

18. Ministry of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training

19. Ministry of Health and Wellness

20. Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping

21. Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare

22. Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage

​23. Ministry of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms​

24. Ministry of National Infrastructure and Community Development

25. Ministry of Social Security ​and National Solidarity​​​​

26. Ministry of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment​​​​​

​​27. Ministry of Land Transport and Light Rail

Is Mauritius a good place for expats?

Mauritius is an ideal destination for your expatriation project. Idyllic landscapes, tropical climate, fascinating cultural diversity, sustained economic growth, and warm and welcoming population: the island country offers lots of assets to seduce expatriates.

What is the salary of an expat in Mauritius?

As of September 2020, the minimum salary requirement has been decreased from MUR 60,000 to MUR 30,000 (approximately USD 800) for Professional Occupation Permit (OP) holders in those specific sectors of focus. All sectors (excluding ICT) remain at a minimum salary requirement of MUR 60,000 (approximately USD 1600).

How many ministries are there in Mauritius?

It is led by the Prime Minister and a total of 23 ministers and the Attorney General, who is considered to be a cabinet member. The constitution of the Republic provides a cabinet under the leadership of the Prime Minister that must be appointed by the President after each general election.