How Many Shark Attacks Are In Mauritius

Shark attacks are an attack on a human by a shark. Every year, around 80 unprovoked attacks are reported worldwide.

How Many Shark Attacks Are In Mauritius

A shark ‘attack’ is considered to be an incident involving a shark biting a human, however, most shark researchers believe that the phrase is misleading and should actually be called ‘a shark bite incident’.


A. 2017 -> Shark Attack at Le Goulet – Pamplemousses – MAURITIUS – non-fatal – _ male – M – unknown.

B. 2014 -> Shark Attack at – Cargados Carajos Shoals (St. Brandon) – MAURITIUS – fatal – _ Rameshwar Ram Dhauro – M – 39.

C. 1999 -> Shark Attack at Unspecified – Unspecified – Mauritius – non-fatal – _ Sylvia Lanner – F – 41.

D. 1999 -> Shark Attack at Belle-Mare – Unspecified – Mauritius – non-fatal – _ Rajkumar Mansaram – M – 47.

E. 1992 -> Shark Attack at Mahebourg – Unspecified – Mauritius – non-fatal – _ male – M – unknown.

F. 1963 -> Shark Attack at Unspecified – Rodrigues – Mauritius – non-fatal – _ Iren? Rose – M – 24.

G. 1952 -> Shark Attack at Port Louis – Port Louis Province – Mauritius – non-fatal – _ Bernard Montessier – M – unknown.

H. 1930 -> Shark Attack at Two miles from shore in Tamarind Bay – Unspecified – Mauritius – non-fatal – _ males shark fishermen – M – unknown.

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What happens in a shark attack?

Shark bites can cause significant bleeding and tissue loss and are often distinguished by the crescent shape or a series of parallel cuts. Bite victims may also have bone fractures (breaks). Others may carry debris, such as shark teeth fragments, that may have been introduced into the wounds during the attack.

What sharks can be found in Mauritius?

Most sharks found in Mauritius enjoy fish, crustaceans and molluscs 🐟; the whale shark is a filter feeder and feeds on plankton and the bull shark, which can also be found on our island, consumes turtles, dolphins, and stingrays too 🐢🐬!

Is Mauritius in danger of sharks?

Sharks populate Mauritius’s crystal clear seas but generally pose no threat to humans.

Is it safe to swim in Mauritius sharks?

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Only three shark attacks have occurred in the last 50 years in Mauritius, making it a relatively safe place for swimming in the open sea.