Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD)

The establishment of this Institute was part of the implementation of the judicial reforms that the Government of Rwanda embarked on in 2004. To meet the demand for a legal workforce with enhanced skills, ILPD was assigned the task of providing the relevant training.

The Institute is also located in Nyanza District, Southern Province. ILPD is more than eight years old, with many hundreds of lawyers, judges and prosecutors have attended its courses. It runs two major postgraduate Diplomas; on Legal practice (DLP) for judges, prosecutors and lawyers, and on Legislative Drafting (DLD) for government lawyers and others responsible for drafting.

ILPD also runs a wide range of continuing legal education (CLE) courses to ensure that all legal professionals are kept up to date and have opportunities to refresh and develop their skills. These courses are taught by ILPD’s external faculty of trainers who are experienced legal professionals, and by international trainers.

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Courses Offered pdf

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Admission Requirements

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Tuition And Fees Structure

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Current Prospectus

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Online Application Form

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Online Application

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Postgraduate Online Application Form

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Online Student Login Portal

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Online Registration.

ILPD Contact Details

P.O Box: 49 Nyanza, Rwanda


ILPD Public Relations Officer Tel: (+250) 788891482 (WhatsApp)