Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Current Prospectus

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Current Prospectus


The establishment of this Institute was part of the implementation of the judicial reforms that the Government of Rwanda embarked on in 2004. To meet the demand for a legal workforce with enhanced skills, ILPD was assigned the task of providing the relevant training.

The Institute is also located in Nyanza District, Southern Province. ILPD is more than eight years old, with many hundreds of lawyers, judges and prosecutors have attended its courses. It runs two major postgraduate Diplomas; on Legal practice (DLP) for judges, prosecutors and lawyers, and on Legislative Drafting (DLD) for government lawyers and others responsible for drafting.

ILPD also runs a wide range of continuing legal education (CLE) courses to ensure that all legal professionals are kept up to date and have opportunities to refresh and develop their skills. These courses are taught by ILPD’s external faculty of trainers who are experienced legal professionals, and by international trainers.

ILPD is now attracting African continent attention with its innovative approaches to training and reputation for effective, high quality courses. Students from other countries   are now discovering and attending its courses and ILPD aspires to meet the needs of legal professionals throughout Africa.

ILPD’s objective is to become an ‘‘IHURIRO’’, i.e. a meeting place for legal professionals from Rwanda, the region, and Africa, as well as the rest of the world. ILPD is active in organizations that link the East African judicial training institutes. It is also a member of the International Organization for Judicial Training (IOJT), a global body linking judicial training institutes around the world.

ILPD is also a meeting place where different branches of the legal profession, different legal traditions (Common law, Civilian and traditional) can meet and learn from each other.

The Institute of Legal Practice and Development(ILPD) was established by the Law No. 65/2013 0F 27/08/2013 Establishing ILPD, and was assigned to provide legal professional education to persons holding at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Law,  provide training to those working in the field of justice and in related fields,  promote research and disseminate law, collaborate with other institutions of learning and research in Rwanda and abroad, and support any other initiative that may contribute to the promotion of law and justice.


The vision of the institute is to “become a practical school for all legal professionals in a spirit of excellence, independence and service to the community, drawing from the diversity and richness of the civil and common law traditions”.


The mission of the institute is:

a) To contribute to the development of justice in Rwanda and the region through:

– Offering initial professional training to persons holding bachelor’s degree in law; in particular by offering post graduate program to judges, prosecutors, lawyers, bailiffs, notaries, etc, to bring their quality to international standards.

– Offering continuing legal education in order to improve knowledge and skills for other personnel in the justice sector, in particular by offering training to clerks, criminal investigating officers, mediators and all other personnel dealing with legal matters in different ministries and institutions, public as well as private.

b) To conduct legal research;

c) To contribute to the development and dissemination of the law.

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Courses Offered pdf

A PostGraduate Diploma in Legal Practice(commonly referred to as DLP)  is a  9 months course designed to equip in service Advocates, prosecutors, judges, fresh law graduates and even court registrars with the necessary practical legal skills.

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Courses Offered pdf

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Admission Requirements

ILPD, currently has two campuses namely; Nyanza (Main Campus) which is ninety five (95) Kilometers from Kigali City (The Capital of the Republic of Rwanda); the Kigali campus is located in Kiyovu, Nyarugenge, Kigali for only evening and weekend programs.

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Admission Requirements

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Tuition And Fees Structure

The Institute of Legal Practice and Development provides professional legal courses designed for legal practitioners fulfilling the needed requirements. Students admitted to undertake any of the institute’s training services are charged fees and the amount and timing of payments are decided by the management of the institute from time to time. The tuition and other fees charged depend on the course undertaken as depicted in the table below:

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Tuition And Fees Structure

ILPD Contact Details

P.O Box: 49 Nyanza, Rwanda 

ILPD Public Relations Officer Tel: (+250) 788891482 (WhatsApp)