Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Tuition And Fees Structure

Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Tuition And Fees Structure


The Institute of Legal Practice and Development provides professional legal courses designed for legal practitioners fulfilling the needed requirements. Students admitted to undertake any of the institute’s training services are charged fees and the amount and timing of payments are decided by the management of the institute from time to time. The tuition and other fees charged depend on the course undertaken as depicted in the table below:


Category, Program, Amount in FRWS & Duration



Application fees – 30,000 –

Graduation fees – 50,000 –

Tuition fees Diploma in

Legal Practice


Full time – 1,200,000 – 6 months

Evening – 1,250,000 – 12 months

Weekend – 1,250,000 – 12 months

Executive – 1,700,000 – 12 months

Diploma in

Labour Law

Practice (DLLP)

Full time – 1,200,000 – 6 months

Evening – 1,250,000 – 12 months

Weekend – 1,250,000 – 12 months

Diploma in

Bailiff Practice


Full time – 1,200,000 – 6 months

Evening – 1,250,000 – 12 months

Weekend – 1,250,000 – 12 months

Short course – 93,348 – 1 day

See Also: Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Courses Offered pdf


The most preferred mode of payment is for students/participants to pay in full and at
once before /teaching/training commences. However, management recognizes the fact
that some students may not be able to raise the entire required amount at once. For this
reason, management has decided that instalment payments may be made under certain

• The first instalment, which must not be less than half the tuition fee, must be paid
two weeks prior to the date of commencement of the program/course.

• The second instalment must be paid not later than the end of 6th module. Payment
in instalments is subject to additional cost of 2% of the total tuition fee to cover
administrative charges.

• For programs/teaching mode whose period is more than six months, payment of
tuition fee can be done in three (3) instalments; 1st instalment at registration, 2nd
instalment the end of 4th module, 3rd instalment not later than the end of 6th module.

• A student who does not pay fees on time forfeits their place in the
course/programme. The management reserves the right to offer the place to
another candidate.

Please note that a student will only be duly recognized as admitted to the course/program only after providing proof that payments were made.

• All fees are paid by deposit or by bank transfer.

Banks account details:

Account name: Institute of Legal Practice and Development

Bank name: National Bank of Rwanda

Account number: 1000004096


Bank address: KN6 Av 4, P.O Box 531, Kigali – Rwanda


Account name: Institute of Legal Practice and Development

Bank Name: Bank of Kigali

Account Number: 000860068177802

Swift Code: BKIGRWRW

Bank address: KN 4 Ave Kigali/ Rwanda, No12 Plot No 790, P.O. Box 175, Kigali/RW

Please note that we do not accept cash or cheque payments.


Students are advised to pay tuition and other fees when they have fully committed to
undertake the course. This helps the student to avoid unnecessary expenses and allows
the Institute to give chance to other candidates who could not be admitted due limited
places. In case, a student/participant is compelled to withdraw from the programme/course and the students wishes to be refunded, the following shall apply:

• 50% of the first instalment will be refunded if the application for refund is presented within the first week of the course. Any request made after the first week of training will not be accepted for refund and no refund shall be allowed. However, if the student paid more than the amount of the first instalment, any
amount over and above the first instalment, shall be refunded.

• 90% of the first instalment will be refunded, if the application for withdrawing
from the course/programme is made within two weeks prior to the start of the

The ILPD reserves the rights to change any clause or all clauses of the refund policy at any
time it deems so.


All requests for refund must be in writing to the Vice Rector, Administration and Finance.
request for refund must be accompanied by a copy of the letter of withdraw/suspension which was sent to the Rector.

Check Institute Of Legal Practice And Development (ILPD) Tuition And Fees Structure

ILPD Contact Details

P.O Box: 49 Nyanza, Rwanda 

ILPD Public Relations Officer Tel: (+250) 788891482 (WhatsApp)