Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Karongi (IPRC-Karongi) Tuition And Fees Structure

Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Karongi (IPRC-Karongi) Tuition And Fees Structure

Advanced Diploma Program

Diploma Program


REGISTRATION FEES25.00025.000each year
CAUTION FEES2500025000once in three years
SUDENT ID20002000each year
TUITION FEES600.000600.000each year

Loan application process:

* Students appearing on the list are eligible to apply for a student loan, by duly filling the loan application form.

* The form is obtainable from Rwanda Education Board (REB), on

* After filling the loan application form, and getting approvals from the their District’s authorities concerning the Ubudehe category, the applicant shall submit the duly filled form to the Registrar’s Office together with other registration documents.

At registration students are requested to present the following documents:

1. Two certified Senior Six Certificates

2. A copy of Identity Card

3. Four passport photographs

Tuition fee payment modalities: Students eligible to apply for a student loan are:

1. Students oriented by REB and WDA will pay tuition fees according to their UBUDEHE levels

– Level 1&2 will not pay tuition fees

– Level 3&4 will pay a half of 600,000 Rwf equals to 300,000Rwf/Year

– Level 5&6 will be considered as fully private student and pay required amount per year including exam and overall fees

2. Tuition fees for oriented students (From REB & WDA) classified into levels

3&4 could be paid once (300,000Rwf) before registration; or into equally three installments:

– First installment (100,000Rwf) before registration

– Second installment (100,000Rwf) before first semester exams

– Third installment (100,000Rwf) before beginning of second semester

3. Tuition fees for private students can be paid once (600,000Rwf) before registration or into equally three installments:

– First installment (200,000Rwf) before registration

– Second installment (200,000Rwf) before first semester’ exams

– Third installment (200,000Rwf) before beginning of second semester

Any amount of money paid on behalf of IPRC, West must be deposited into

 IPRC WEST account number: 00087 0390341-29 available in The Bank of Kigali (BK)

Check Advanced Diploma Program

Vocational Training Program

Short Course Training Program

ProgramsTuition FeesDuration
Short courses(6months)60.000RwfThe whole program(30.000 by installment s)
Short courses one year90.000RwfThe whole program(45 per installment)
Other payments
Student Id1000Once in a program
Overall(salopettes)7000Once in a program
Registration Fees1000Once in a program

Any amount of money paid on behalf of IPRC, West must be deposited into

IPRC WEST account number: 00087 0390341-29 available in The Bank of Kigali (BK)

View Vocational Training Program

IPRC-Karongi Contact Details

Address: Gisovu Load

Western Province


P. O. Box. 85 Karongi

Location: Karongi, Rwanda

Telephone Number: +250 788871075

Email Address:
