Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kigali (IPRC-Kigali) Current Prospectus

Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kigali (IPRC-Kigali) Current Prospectus


The Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC) Kigali, Kicukiro was initially established by the Government of Rwanda in 2008 as “Kicukiro College of Technology (KCT)”. The core mission of the college was to develop and provide professional technical education at the level of diploma (A1).

The college inherited the existing physical infrastructure from the ETO Kicukiro which seized to operate as a Technical Secondary School in 1994 when almost all of its equipment was vandalized during the genocide. After the genocide two secondary schools used the infrastructure consecutively up to January 2008.

In July 2008, the Government of Rwanda (GoR) decided to integrate Technical education,Vocational Education and Training into an integrated (TVET) system. Currently the college is among the two existing and operational Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC) in the country with its Mission and Vision changed to reflect its IPRC status


RP IPRC Kigali aspires to be a leading world class institution in the provision  of  producing graduates capable of developing and implementing creative technical solutions to social and industrial needs of Rwanda, the region and International society.


To provide Technical and vocational training at all levels in order to empower students and enhance their opportunities for career advancement and success in a global economy.


The core functions of the Institution are:

To organize technical train-the-trainer programmers for all technical and vocational schools located in the Kigali region;

To organize pedagogic train-the-trainer programmers for all technical and vocational schools located in the Kigali region;

To implement technical and vocational training courses at all level (up to diploma level) focusing on both knowledge and skills for both school leavers from tronc  commun , upper secondary and the unskilled and unemployed population;

To supervise and coordinate with private education providers, NGO-run TVET centers  and industry-run training centre on the delivery of TVET training in Kigali region;

To supervise and coordinate with all public TVET centers and Polytechnics Campus (PC) on the delivery of training in Kigali region;

To provide CBT curriculum developed by WDA HQ to all TVET centers, PCs delivering vocational training in the Kigali region;

To provide quality assurance TVET delivery by ensuring that all curriculums are CBT, integrity of examination protected and all TVET lecturers and instructors are adequately trained.


The values promoted by IPRC Kigali:

a)      Respect               b)      Excellence

c)      Service                d)     Integrity

e)      Diversity              f)       Learning for life

g)      Responsibility      h)      Loyalty

i)        Patriotism

Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kigali (IPRC-Kigali) Courses Offered pdf

Academic programs in advanced diploma has 6 main programs: Mechanical Engineering; Civil Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Mining Engineering and Fashion Design.

Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kigali (IPRC-Kigali) Courses Offered pdf

Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kigali (IPRC-Kigali) Admission Requirements

IPRC Kigali Admission Requirements – Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre Kigali (IPRC Kigali) Online Application academic year – Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre Kigali (IPRC Kigali) Registration – Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre Kigali (IPRC Kigali) Online Registration.

Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kigali (IPRC-Kigali) Admission Requirements

Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kigali (IPRC-Kigali) Tuition And Fees Structure

View The IPRC-Kigali Tuition And Fees Structure Link Below;

Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kigali (IPRC-Kigali) Tuition And Fees Structure

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