Kigali Independent University (ULK) Online Registration | Check To Register

Kigali Independent University (ULK) Online Registration | Check To Register

Kigali Independent University ULK is pleased to inform the general public that it has an online application system that enables people to apply for admission without having to move from where they are. Therefore, we call upon you all to benefit from this golden opportunity to save your time and apply via our online system which can be accessed by clicking on the following link.

ULK Kigali Campus Digital Lab

ULK has availed computer labs to help those who would like to apply using ULK computers.


Dear valuable applicant, we thank you very much for your interest to join Kigali Independent University ULK, ranking the first among private universities operating in Rwanda. Below is the guide on how you can proceed when applying for admission:

STEP ONE: Faculty of Choice

Campus: as the University has two campuses (Kigali Independent University ULK Kigali Campus and Gisenyi Campus) you will choose one of your choice.

Academic Year: select the academic year to enroll in.

Application Type: select Undergraduate (when you wish to register in Year one), select Undergraduate from other university (when you wish to transfer your credits), select Polytechnic when you want to develop hands on skills,

Program: Select the area of specialization of your choice (taking into account your academic background);

Class: Select Year one if firstly joining university, or any other year (when transferring credits from another university),

Section: select day if you wish to follow courses taught during daytime, select evening if you wish to follow courses taught in evening, the weekend for courses taught during weekend time,

Kigali Independent University (ULK) Admission Requirements


STEP TWO: Student Profile

Name: write correctly your names as written in your high school certificate(diplome)

Gender: select your gender (sex) accordingly

Email Address: write clearly your email address

Phone No: Write correctly your active telephone number by including country code

Date of Birth: Type the day, month and year when you were born.(e.g.: 03/23/2020)

Place of Birth: Type the city and Country where you were born (e.g.: Kigali-Rwanda)

Current Address: Type the current city and country where you are now living (e.g.: Gisozi Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali City- Rwanda)

District: Type the current District (Commune) where you live

Country of Birth: Select the country where you were born (e.g.: Tchade)

Nationality: Type your nationality (e.g.: Rwandese)

National ID: Type your national identity number

Passport No: Type your passport number

Father Name: Type your father’s names

Mother Name: Type your mother’s names

Remarks: Type any comment you want to make or any further information not mentioned above

Apply Here Kigali Independent University (ULK) Online Application

Kigali Independent University Contact Details

 Address: KG 14 Ave, Kigali

 Location: Kigali, Rwanda

 Telephone Number: +250 788304086

 Telephone Number 2: +250 788304173

 Email Address:
