Malawi College Of Accountancy Tuition And Fees Structure

Other Courses

Financial Management Courses

Finance for Non-Finance Managers

Risk Management

Auditing for Non-Auditing Staff

Financial Planning, Control, and Reporting for For-Funded organizations

Internal Audit Management

Procurement & Stores Management

Planning, Budgeting & Control for Projects

Computerized Bookkeeping

Information Communication Technolgy Courses

Computers and Information Management

Computer Skills for Executive Assistants

Advanced ICT Skills – MS office 2007

Computer Networking

Database Management Systems

Business Management Curses

Customer Care

Preparing Your Marketing Strategy

Writing Powerful and Winning Business Proposals

Marketing for Non-Marketing Executives

Effective Sales Management

Marketing Finance and Budgeting

Economics & Project Management Courses

Project Monitoring & Evaluation

Project Management

Project Planning & Appraisal

Human Resources Management Courses

Effective Supervisory Skills

Managing Staff Appraisals Effectively

Strategic Human Resource Management General Management

Total Quality Management

The Effective Manager Special Curses

Good Corporate Governance

Leadership Skills for Women Managers

Creative Leadership for Today’s Managers

Malawi College of Accountancy Tuition Fees Structure