Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism Latest Job Vacancies

Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism Latest Job Vacancies

Areas of Responsibility

  • Protect, conserve and derive value out of natural and cultural resources.
  • Promote a sustainable environment for the benefit of the nation.
  • Formulate, implement and monitor environmental conservation policies and strategies.
  • Sustainable utilisation of natural and cultural resources.
  • Derive benefit/value from natural and cultural resources.
  • An empowered, adaptive and environmentally conscious nation.
  • Build resilience to climate change.

Departments/Sections of the Ministry


  • Department of Environmental Affairs
  • Department of Meteorological Services
  • Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control
  • Department of National Museum and Monuments
  • Department of Tourism
  • Department of Forestry and Range Resources
  • Department of Wildlife and National Parks
  • Department of Corporate Services                         


  • Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO)                                             


  • Forest Conservation Botswana (FCB)

Departments/Sections and Key Functions

Department of Environmental Affairs

Promote environmental based projects for the conservation and protection of the environment in order to increase the effectiveness with which natural resources are used and managed so that the beneficial interactions are optimised and harmful environment side effects are minimised.

Department of Meteorological Services

  • Provides quality weather, climate information, and related services to enable timely and informed decision making for sustainable socio-economic development in circumstances where weather plays a significant role.
  • Provides guidance on building resilience to climate change.

Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control

Prevent and control pollution of the environment through the formulation of the waste management policies, regulating and monitoring of waste sector.

Department of National Museum and Monuments

  • Custodian of Botswana’s cultural and natural heritage.  
  • Protect, preserve and promote Botswana’s cultural and natural heritage for sustainable utilisation.  
  • Collect, research, conserve and exhibit for public education and appreciation.

Department of Tourism

Manages and promotes sustainable tourism development through formulation, monitoring and implementation of policies and strategies that ensure sustainable tourism development.

Department of Forestry and Range Resources

Charged with conservation, protection and management of vegetation resources in Botswana and ensures that these resources are used sustainably for the benefit of the present and future generations.

Department of Wildlife and National Parks

Responsible for conserving and managing fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in consultation with local, regional and international stakeholders for the benefit of present and future generations.

Department of Corporate Services                         

Co-ordinates and ensures efficient management of Ministerial resources and support services by Departments through Human Resources Management and Administration, Finance and Development, Procurement, and Strategy Management.


Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO)                                             

  • Responsible for tourism product development.
  • Need to market the country as a tourism destination to the national, regional and international markets.
  • Promoting investment into the tourism sector.
  • Grading and classifies tourist facilities.


Forest Conservation Botswana (FCB)                                            

Administer the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund on behalf of the Ministry. 

Promote activities designed to conserve, maintain, protect and restore the forests of Botswana in accordance with the terms of the Tropical Forest Agreement, Forest Act, the National Forest Policy and the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund Order.

Who is eligible?

Citizen and non-citizen above 18 years old

How do I get this service?

  • Download, complete and submit Research Application form together with supporting documents
  • If the application is approved, a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) will be sent to the prospective researcher for signing
  • Upon receipt of the signed MoA, the Research Permit will be issued

What supporting documents are required?

  • Citizen-certified copies of national identity document
  • Non-citizen – valid copy of passports
  • Detailed research proposal and up-to-date curriculum vitae

How long will this service take?

Forty (40) – forty five (45) working days

Where can I obtain this service?

Research and Development Unit

Government Enclave

Plot 13064

Fax: 3165362
